NEW Maximum Ride, Vol. 7 by James Patterson (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

NEW Maximum Ride, Vol. 7 by James Patterson (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

NEW Maximum Ride, Vol. 7 by James Patterson (Goodreads Author) eng find free tom touch

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Book description
Fangs blog has brought ITEX and their cruel research to the worlds attention, and his readers take a stand at the facility where Max and the girls are being held, shutting the organization down. But Max isnt through saving the world yet! When the Flock is asked to aid a group of environmental scientists studying the effects of global warming, the expedition seems like a perfect combination of adventure and activism. But even in Antarctica, Max is an irresistible target with the eyes of the world upon her. For whoever controls her powers could also control the world...
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