NEW Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary Gods by Sheri S. Tepper spanish information doc read prewiew

NEW Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary Gods by Sheri S. Tepper spanish information doc read prewiew

NEW Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary Gods by Sheri S. Tepper spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description

Book description
When Mariannes parents died, leaving control of their fortune to her feared older brother, she struggled to make her way as a student in America - and her old home began to seem as unreal as a fairy tale, her childhood there as distant as a dream . . . Until the Magus came to claim her, and the Black Madame to destroy her, and the Manticore to hunt her down through the streets of another world - for there is magic in Mariannes blood, and magic in her soul. And in a battle fought in an everchanging world of warped time and wicked magic, it is the souls of Marianne and her family that are the ultimate prizes. Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary Gods is the second volume of Sheri S. Teppers acclaimed Marianne Trilogy.
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