NEW Lady in Red by Karen Hawkins audio store read iphone book

NEW Lady in Red by Karen Hawkins audio store read iphone book

NEW Lady in Red by Karen Hawkins audio store read iphone book

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Book description
When a priceless treasure brings together . . . W ealthy and powerful Marcus St. John, the Marquis of Treymount, must recover a lost family heirloom that is in the possession of Miss Honoria Baker-Sneed. All he needs to do is convince her to relinquish his treasure for a reasonable sum. But when he meets Honoria, hes surprised to discover she is as headstrong as she is beautiful.Two unlikely hearts . . . Honoria is astounded when Marcus shows up on her doorstep and arrogantly demands a ring that is rightfully hers. She agrees to return the heirloom, but on one condition: He must sponsor her sister into society—an idea Marcus considers absolutely preposterous.Only love can decide the outcome. W hen a heated argument ensues, they find themselves in a compromising position and are forced to marry. What starts out as a marriage in name only soon becomes much more as Marcus realizes Honoria has stolen his heart. But can he prove to his wife that he is worthy of her love?
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