NEW Kitten in the Candy Corn by Ben M. Baglio find bookstore eReader free price

NEW Kitten in the Candy Corn by Ben M. Baglio find bookstore eReader free price

NEW Kitten in the Candy Corn by Ben M. Baglio find bookstore eReader free price

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Book description
In Kitten in the candy corn,Mandy is visiting a friend, when his mom screams. She and John find his mom in the kichen. She claims that the candy on the counter is moving. When Mandy leans over the box, a black kitten jumps out of the candy corn.When she doesnt see a collar there is no question that the kitten was abandoned.Then one question remains- can they find a home for the kitten before Halloween?I liked this book alot.I liked that the kitten was energetic and fun.I also liked that Mandy and James try so hard to help an animal in need of a good home.I reccomend this book for any one who can read.I also reccomend it for people who love animals.
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