NEW In Reckless Hands: Skinner v. Oklahoma and the Near-Triumph of American Eugenics by Victoria F. Nourse download book txt

NEW In Reckless Hands: Skinner v. Oklahoma and the Near-Triumph of American Eugenics by Victoria F. Nourse download book txt

NEW In Reckless Hands: Skinner v. Oklahoma and the Near-Triumph of American Eugenics by Victoria F. Nourse download book txt

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A REVIEW MADE OUT OF QUOTATIONSHavelock Ellis : The superficially sympathetic man flings a coin to the beggar; the more deeply sympathetic man builds an almshouse for him so that he need no longer beg; but perhaps the most sympathetic of all is the man who arranges that the beggar shall not be born.VOICES FROM THE 1930sThe armies of defective and delinquent persons in every nation and race, the crowded hospitals, asylums, jails and penitentiaries in almost every country, the enormous cost of caring for this human wreckage and wastage, all testify to the fact that there is urgent need for improvement. Indeed it is merely a question of how long civilization can continue to carry this ever-increasing burden of bungled and botched, of paupers, feebleminded and insane, of bums, thugs and criminals.It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.We examine and license plumbers and steamfitters to make sure they are competent… is it going too far then to say that the unqualified human being be enjoined from creating life, and instilling in a baby a diseased and criminal mind?Germany is by no means the first to enact laws to permit or compel sterilization of hereditary mental defectives. Some 15,000 unfortunates have thus far been harmlessly and humanely operated upon in the United States to prevent them from propagating their own kind.THE OKLAHOMA LAW(This is copied from House Bill No. 64, Chapter 26, Article 3 states “That whenever the superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane at Vinita, Oklahoma, or of the Hospital at Supply, Oklahoma, or the Institute for the Feeble-Minded at Enid, Oklahoma, or of any other such institution supported in whole or in part from public funds shall be of the opinion that it is best for society, that any male patient under the age of 65 years and any female patient under the age of 47 years, and which patients are about to be discharged from said institution, should be sexually sterilized.” In 1933, this law was expanded to include “patients likely to be a public or partial public charge” and habitual criminal offenders who had three or more felony convictions. In 1935, the state passed the Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act which allowed for judges to include the sterilization of certain criminals with two or more felonies as part of the offender’s punishment.The feeble-minded girl is characteristically prone to loose sexual relationships.In May 1937 one poll found that 84% of the nation favoured “sterilization of the habitual criminal and the hopelessly insane”.And now, the voice of the author, Victoria Nourse :For all the hype surrounding the mapping of the human genome, we now know that much of the hoped-for success in genetic prediction of behaviour and psychological disease has not materialised; widely publicized studies of genes “for” everything from criminality to schizophrenia, depression, alcoholism, homosexuality, risk-taking and religiosity “have either been retracted, rebutted, or have yet to be replicated successfully”. The truth is that the determinism implicit in the popular idea of the gene is false; behavioural genetics is a science of statistical correlation, not determination. The heritability statistics which fuel ideas like the “God gene” or the “gay gene” routinely trade on public misunderstanding. Despite the name, heritability statistics cannot prove inheritance. Like stock markets and hemlines, they deserve no greater respect than the claims of any correlational study.And finally, in case you thought this whole sterilization of the unfit was just another weird 1930s thing :Court to decide on sterilisation of man with learning difficulties The Independent, Friday 02 August 2013 The Court of Protection could make legal history this month if it sanctions the sterilisation of a man with learning difficulties who lacks the ability to give permission.In what has been described as a “truly exceptional case”, Mrs Justice Eleanor King is set to rule whether it is in the best interests of a 36-year-old man from the Midlands with moderate to severe learning difficulties to be sterilised by means of a vasectomy.The application was made by an NHS Trust and is backed by the man’s parents, GP, and local authority. It is said the man, who can only be referred to as DE for legal reasons, does not have the capacity to make the decision himself.
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