NEW I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed by Lauren Child pocket read italian tablet cheap

NEW I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed by Lauren Child pocket read italian tablet cheap

NEW I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed by Lauren Child pocket read italian tablet cheap

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Book description
Its bedtime for Charlie and Lola, the hilarious siblings from I WILL NEVER NOT EVER EAT A TOMATO.Night owl Lola likes to stay up coloring and scribbling and wriggling and bouncing and chattering. Lola never gets tired. How can big brother Charlie convince her its time for bed? Heralded by the WASHINGTON POST as a delightful new voice in childrens books, author-illustrator Lauren Child splashes her offbeat sense of humor and unique artwork all over this bedtime story. Laugh out loud at Lolas imaginative antics, but save a cheer for kind, patient Charlie, the big brother wed all love to have.
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