NEW How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills by Fran Rees txt download free

NEW How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills by Fran Rees txt download free

NEW How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills by Fran Rees txt download free

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Book description
Completely revised and updated! Develop the skills that are key for becoming a successful team leader! Now in its second edition, How to Lead Work Teams shows you step by step, how to develop the powerful facilitaion skills that will help make you an outstanding leader, coach, motivator and facilitator. Includes great tools and techniques to help you put these skills into action today! Using Reess innovative L.E.A.D. model you can become a team leader who: * Leads with a clear purpose. Articulate your teams goals and purpose and encourage open and thoughtful discussion (including disagreement), brainstorming, and active listening. * Empowers to participate. Encourage team members to communicate in ways that enhance teamwork and achieve results. * Aims for consensus. Reach consensus by taking the time for questioning, listening, clarifying, augmenting, summarizing, and documenting. * Directs the process. Lead the process of communication both inside and outside your team. -The new edition hits the nail on the head. Every employee who works as a member of a team needs to learn facilitation skills. How to Lead Work Teams explains and describes skills and practical techniques in a very readable way.- --Judith C. Tingley, president, Performance Improvement Pros, Inc.
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