NEW Hey, Sensei? by Yaya Sakuragi pdf online free

NEW Hey, Sensei? by Yaya Sakuragi pdf online free

NEW Hey, Sensei? by Yaya Sakuragi pdf online free

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So, we have a tiny tale to tell before we begin the assessing of the story and art which, you may be able to deducefrom my rating and shelf tag stating favourites, I really liked. Let the tiny tale begin:I inadvertently realised that I had become a fan of Yaya Sakuragi. Now, how does one inadvertently become a fan of an author whose name is clearly attached to their stories? Simple. The mind is too busy focusing in on finding stories itll enjoy and it magically just glosses over the authors name. Im not sure how this happened so many time. I actually own eight of Sakuragis works in physical print. I have three more on the way. Im also hunting down the final two books I know are in English but are hard to locate. Ive read her stories online, in print and bought them without ever really noticing the name until this volume showed up for a spectacular price quite by accident on a site. Its only then as I was double checking this was one I read online ages ago that I saw that I had so many of Sakuragis yaois. So now I feel like a complete dingus for failing to notice and that is my tiny tale that is apparently mostly me blathering on about nothing. Arent you glad you read all that? Were closer now for the sharing. Now lets never share again lest we get too close and I learn things Im not ready to learn about you. On to the actual review:It was incredible. I adored it immensely. It was so much fun and so sweet. The story was paced right so you could get a general idea about the characters, go through the trials of their relationship and reach a perfect ending. Perfect for me, anyhow. It wasnt forcing a HEA but was a HFN which implied theyd live and grow and its very likely they will be together as long as they live. Im a romantic who needs the touch of reality, what can I say. I liked the way the the gap was portrayed where they both try and sort out how to work a relationship with ten years age difference and how we didnt have to deal with the whole fear of people knowing they might be gay and the trope Why is my heart beating like this over a guy? which is tired. Its tired, Im tired and were all very tired. We all need a rest. The ending is the best though. Its just brilliance. I know I already mentioned the ending earlier with HFN aspect but I needed to mention just how sweet it is because it was a realistic promise instead of the far-away promise of those who cant begin to understand what it means to be together forever. Read the manga, youll get what I mean. *winks oh so subtly before disappearing like Cheshire Cat*
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