NEW Head Shy by Kate Sherwood (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

NEW Head Shy by Kate Sherwood (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

NEW Head Shy by Kate Sherwood (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

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This was one of the best 114 pages Ive EVER read!!!! The last 10 pages was off the charts HOT!!! Absolutely fabulous!!!!This is a novella in the Dark Horse series but it read like a full book to me. I am a little partial though because I have fallen in love with these books!!In this book Evan, Jeff and Dan are trying to communicate better and for the most part its working out. Jeff and Evan are also trying to get Dan to over come one of his fears I guess you could call it.Let me tell you its a HOT drive watching that unfold......I needed one of those ovary explosion signs...good was HOT!!!!!!Yes Bradley...thats exactly how I felt.....WOW!!!!!!!Youre so fucking beautiful when youre laughing. He brings his hand down and glances at one of the other paintings, leaning up against the side wall. Of course, youre pretty damn fine when youre pouting, too. I wasnt pouting, asshole. I was being quietChris is here, which is Dans best friend, and he is a riot at all times!!! Hes now working for Evan, so we get to see a lot of him in this book. Ive got my eye on this guy....not sure where his character is going but it makes me nervous...I do really like him though because hes sooooo hilarious!!!Danny! Chriss voice roars from the hallway. Youd better be decent, man, cause Im coming in. Dan only has time to say, You just had to hire him, didnt you? before Chris is in the room, charging towards the bed. Dannybear!But the best part is watching Dan unfold....little by get a little more with every book and I LOVE it!!! Theres NOTHING rushed in this series, everything develops slowly but wonderfully.The mask. Jeff says quietly. He smiles at Dan. Youre right, everyones got one. We just maybe didnt realize how honest youve been being with us. We thought you were just always like that, always showing your emotions. He reaches out his foot and presses his ankle against Dans. But really, you could have been hiding all the time, and you hardly ever did. He shrugs. You ran every now and then, but… you didnt hide. You okay, Tex? Jeff asks, but he doesnt sound too concerned. Dan figures its pretty damn clear that hes okay. Yeah, Im goodGreat book!!! Loved it!!! Go read this series!!!! This isnt a stand alone you would have to read the first two books to understand the dynamics in this book.
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