NEW Goddess of the Rose by P.C. Cast download pdf

NEW Goddess of the Rose by P.C. Cast download pdf

NEW Goddess of the Rose by P.C. Cast download pdf

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4.25 starsSo, this book was almost a DNF for me, but I am glad I hung in there because the second half was quite good.The first half was....well......kind of boring. It was filled with pages of description of rose-care and goddess rituals. Maybe 5% was spent on building any romance between the main couple, Mikki and Asterius. I would say this felt like YA or chick-lit, though since I have read very little of those, I am not sure if that is a correct classification.Anyway, right around the time I was going to give up, the romance heated up. The second half was more what i would expect in a romance novel. The couple spent lots of time together and there was relationship development.Other than not loving the first half, I did have a couple other issues (when do I not? lol):(1) Primarily, there were so many times this book just felt so anti-men. The women all seemed to view men as either useless Neanderthals or disposable creatures only good for sex or getting impregnated by and then discarded. I am the mother of two males and I found some of the man-hating pretty offensive. I realize that we have some major issues societally; men are responsible for a lot of violent crimes against women (just think about the 1/5 women having faced sexual molestation or violence), but women are not all wonderful sweet harmless creatures and men are not all violent, ignorant, narcissistic beings. Just take a look at the cliques back in middle school and high school and it is clear to see how cruel females can be as they rip a young girls self esteem to shreds! (2) the fact that everyone lied to Mikki about what her final role would be as priestess. Boy did that tick me off. At least Asterius had decided on a plan that would alter that final outcome, so I could forgive him for not saying anything yet.So based on those negatives, it may seem strange that i still rated this 4.25 stars. Well, by the second half, I honestly enjoyed the romance and the overall fairy tale, mythological story and atmosphere. Plus, this book had a wonderful, fulfilling ending. I teared up in a few places during that last 10%. I certainly wouldnt hesitate to recommend it! :-)
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