NEW Food Anatomy by Julia Rothman audio find store price download

NEW Food Anatomy by Julia Rothman audio find store price download

NEW Food Anatomy by Julia Rothman audio find store price download

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Book description
This was a super interesting little book. Its one of those books you pick up, read a little, put down, pick up again. Its chocked full of little bits of information covering a wide variety of subjects. Has great colorful handdrawn illustrations and fun font types that give it a bit of a notebook type feel.-Some of the things covered in this book are the... -Different ways people/cultures set their tables.-Different forks and spoons and how to use them.-How cocoa is harvested and processed.-Different types of sushi and how its made.-Different types of cakes and pastries from around the World.-The history of fortune cookies and candies. -A look at stoves and refrigerators through the years.-And about 1000 more things from veggies to meat to fish and beyond.There is also a few different recipes sprinkled throughout that added to my overall enjoyment of this one. Just a really fun book that would make an excellent gift for that foodie on your Christmas list!
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