NEW First Time Christmas Cougar by Daisy Dydo story offline online doc finder

NEW First Time Christmas Cougar by Daisy Dydo story offline online doc finder

NEW First Time Christmas Cougar by Daisy Dydo story offline online doc finder

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Another author I have not read before story. This time Im upping the likelihood I might actually like it. Since Im kind of a sucker for Christmas themed stories. So . . .Cynthia broke up with her girlfriend of six years . . . . though I dont know how long ago the break up occurred. I suppose that was in there but I just overlooked it. Linda and unnamed friends want the 39 year old to go out with them to a Christmas themed party. Cynthia declines the request.Seemingly minutes later the door rings. Cynthia answers it to find a hot young woman dressed as Ms Claus. Ms Tricia Claus and Cynthia have some fun together. The end.Really short story that was basically just sex.
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