NEW Eyes Like Sky and Coal and Moonlight by Cat Rambo (Goodreads Author) original free offline view ios

NEW Eyes Like Sky and Coal and Moonlight by Cat Rambo (Goodreads Author) original free offline view ios

NEW Eyes Like Sky and Coal and Moonlight by Cat Rambo (Goodreads Author) original free offline view ios

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Book description
Small Press newcomer, Paper Golem, debuts the first in a annual series of single author collections by brilliant new authors. EYES LIKE SKY AND COAL AND MOONLIGHT brings together twenty stories from the extraordinary talent of fantasy author Cat Rambo. Here are tales from seaport city of Tabat, both before and after the sorcerous wars that destroyed the Old Continent. Here are alchemical explanations for failed blind dates. Here youll find a dryad, the last great elephant, and an uneasy blur of humanity. Cat Rambo doesnt simply amaze and delight, she restores wonder to her readers with every page. You wont simply believe that pigs can fly, youll question why you ever doubted the premise at all.
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