NEW Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-Operation and Strategic Behaviour by Samir Okasha (Editor) download mobi

NEW Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-Operation and Strategic Behaviour by Samir Okasha (Editor) download mobi

NEW Evolution and Rationality: Decisions, Co-Operation and Strategic Behaviour by Samir Okasha (Editor) download mobi

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Book description

Book description
This volume explores from multiple perspectives the subtle and interesting relationship between the theory of rational choice and Darwinian evolution. In rational choice theory, agents are assumed to make choices that maximize their utility; in evolution, natural selection chooses between phenotypes according to the criterion of fitness maximization. So there is a parallel between utility in rational choice theory and fitness in Darwinian theory. This conceptual link between fitness and utility is mirrored by the interesting parallels between formal models of evolution and rational choice. The essays in this volume, by leading philosophers, economists, biologists and psychologists, explore the connection between evolution and rational choice in a number of different contexts, including choice under uncertainty, strategic decision making and pro-social behaviour. They will be of interest to students and researchers in philosophy of science, evolutionary biology, economics and psychology.
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