NEW Enduring Chaos (Sisters of Chaos, #1) by Catherine Fitzsimmons (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

NEW Enduring Chaos (Sisters of Chaos, #1) by Catherine Fitzsimmons (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

NEW Enduring Chaos (Sisters of Chaos, #1) by Catherine Fitzsimmons (Goodreads Author) mp3 read iBooks txt get

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Book description

Book description
Cursed with fearsome eyes and a dangerous gift, any chance of Damian Sires having an ordinary life was dashed the moment she was born. All her life, she has hidden her abnormalities and fought for acceptance behind the shadow of a veil and her respected merchant father.When Damians power spirals out of control and casts her out alone into the world, she finds herself caught up in plots as old as the gods themselves. Bitter exiles, deposed nobility, clandestine knights, and a divine being with an ancient grudge all close in on the unstable power radiating from Damian.Desperate to keep that power contained, she sets out with mysterious allies in an attempt to find someone who can help her in a world that fears magic. Yet the source of Damians ability is far more deadly than she imagined.
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