NEW Educating Casey by Jenny Penn (Goodreads Author) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

NEW Educating Casey by Jenny Penn (Goodreads Author) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

NEW Educating Casey by Jenny Penn (Goodreads Author) iBooks portable prewiew online offline

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[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Cowboy Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, voyeurism, public exhibition, consensual BDSM, flogging, sex toys, HEA]When her best friend Patton wants to know all the dirty secrets of the Cattleman’s Club, Casey is only too happy to oblige by going in undercover. But she gets more than she bargained for during her sexual enlightenment when her two gorgeous neighbors, Dylan and Jacob, show up to help the club’s owners with an arson investigation. Once the men realize their firecracker is everything theyve been looking for in a woman, they’re willing to play the game and win her for themselves. But will she want to be won by the Andrews brothers? Or will they need to expand her “education in ecstasy” to keep her by their sides?
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