NEW Don Camillo And The Devil by Giovannino Guareschi mobi online reading

NEW Don Camillo And The Devil by Giovannino Guareschi mobi online reading

NEW Don Camillo And The Devil by Giovannino Guareschi mobi online reading

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Book description
In the 1950’s this Italian author had a good thing going: a series of books, starting with The Little World of Don Camillo, based on the rivalry between a big-hearted priest and a pugnacious communist mayor in a small town in Italy. This book is one of the series. It’s not a novel or even a collection of short stories; it’s more a series of vignettes. Mostly they are humorous but a few are intended to be “heart-warming” as the Hallmark Channel might say. If these stories were ever televised the show would be a sitcom, and in fact Wiki says they have been made into TV and radio shows and even movies. The priest and mayor vie for the hearts and minds of the poor rural inhabitants who have their hands full making a living by tending their crops, vines and sheep. The mayor-priest rivalry is actually filled with a grudging mutual respect. They help each other out in a pinch and often end up sharing a bottle of wine even after the most pitched battles. image: A lot of the stories have to do with 1950’s technology. The priest frets about the propriety of trading in his donkey for a motor bike. The priest finally gets money from the diocese for a new movie projector for the church basement only to find out that the Communist People’s Hall has acquired the town’s first TV! When bad weather afflicts the town, the mayor and the priest debate whether it is the USA’s or the USSR’s atomic bomb testing that’s at fault. The mayor and the priest each buy a refrigerator on the installment plan and both get in trouble making late payments. Sometimes the priest is a match maker or a social worker. He talks to Christ on the altar and Christ answers him, so we hear the two-way conversations. He visits the rich landowners around the holidays to collect money for the poor. It was a fun read and it gave you a sense of what it was like in rural Italy right after the War. But I’m not enticed to read any of the other volumes – I dislike most sitcoms.
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