NEW Divine Innocence by Hammed Al-Tamimi german online english format offline

NEW Divine Innocence by Hammed Al-Tamimi german online english format offline

NEW Divine Innocence by Hammed Al-Tamimi german online english format offline

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Book description
Hank has always loved experimenting with new things. When his friend Thomas invites him into the Kuwaiti high schools bathroom stall to try heroin, he somehow knows it will be the mother of all new things. Once Thomas pricks his skin and lets the drug fill his veins, it is like love at first sight for Hank. But that first hit greatly affects his life for some time to come-addiction eats away at his soul. It impacts his personal life and marriage and even threatens his very existence. Hank wonders if there will ever be enough of the drug to fill the void. Facing blood, overdoses, and circumstances of raw fear and the unknown, he has nothing else to lose but the heroin that he craves with every breath; he lives in excruciating pain of separation from the love of it. Hank uses his pain to his advantage and realizes that simplicity, principles, and befriending himself offers far more opportunity than he could have expected.
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