NEW Death Watch Diary by Robert Towery how download book tom tablet ebook

NEW Death Watch Diary by Robert Towery how download book tom tablet ebook

NEW Death Watch Diary by Robert Towery how download book tom tablet ebook

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Book description
Robert Towery was executed by the State of Arizona on March 8, 2012.For the last 35 days of his life, Robert was placed on “Death Watch” wherehis every move was recorded and chronicled by prison officials.Robert also kept a diary which he gave or mailed to his attorneys as installments.He detailed the ironies and absurdities of life in prison. Hereveled in simple pleasures, such as a good meal or a sports event ontelevision. He longed for human contact from his last visitors,and he touchingly tried to comfort his pod-mate, who doesn’t reallyunderstand that he was going to his death.
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