NEW Dark Solstice by Kaitlyn O'Connor (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

NEW Dark Solstice by Kaitlyn O'Connor (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

NEW Dark Solstice by Kaitlyn O'Connor (Goodreads Author) iphone kindle cheap free shop

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Book description
Dr. Rhea Landon knew shed been thrown into Phobos Prison to die. The most notorious prison in the solar system and one from which there was no escape, Phobos Prison housed the most dangerous predators in the solar system and the few who survived more than a year were the worst of the worst.Dragged into the arena where the warden held gladiator games for the entertainment of the staff and inmates, she was stripped naked and chained to a post, offered up as a prize to the winner: the meanest brute among them. When the dust settled, the iceman, John Raathe, was the last man standing.Rating: Carnal-multiple sexual partners, frank language and situations, multiple sex partners.
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