NEW Dark Highland Fire by Kendra Leigh Castle (Goodreads Author) tablet mobile book djvu read

NEW Dark Highland Fire by Kendra Leigh Castle (Goodreads Author) tablet mobile book djvu read

NEW Dark Highland Fire by Kendra Leigh Castle (Goodreads Author) tablet mobile book djvu read

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Book description
Gabriel MacInnes has led a charmed life. A Highland werewolf of Alpha lineage, hed always thought that, as the second son, he would never have to worry much about responsibility. But with his Pack now squarely in the sights of an ancient and rediscovered enemy, everything has begun to change. Exiled from the Drakkyn realm, on the run from the dragon prince who claims her as his own, the last thing Rowan an Morgaine wants is to deal with a bunch of overbearing shifters in the middle of nowhere. But when her hiding place on Earth is discovered, and with blood the only thing that can restore her waning power, the fiery demigoddess has little choice but to accept Gabriel as a protector ... As the Earthly and Drakkyn realms converge, Gabriel and Rowan must decide how much theyre willing to sacrifice for fate...and for one another. What reviewers are saying about Kendra Leigh Castle: Ms. Castle develops likeable characters, adds danger-filled mystery to a steamy romance, and keeps readers interest to the revealing end.-Darque Reviews A great, fast-paced tale. Castles world-building is superb and leaves readers wanting more. -Romantic Times Fans of straight up romance looking for a little extra something will be bitten. -Publishers Weekly This fresh and exciting take on the werewolf legend held me captive until the last page. Ill definitely be watching for more stories from Kendra Leigh Castle. -Nina Bangs, author of One Bite Stand
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