NEW Cubs 100: A Century at Wrigley by DAN CAMPANA txt online free

NEW Cubs 100: A Century at Wrigley by DAN CAMPANA txt online free

NEW Cubs 100: A Century at Wrigley by DAN CAMPANA txt online free

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Book description
The Cubs have called Wrigley their home since 1916 and have treated their loyal followers with memories that have lasted for generations. From the legend of Babe Ruth s called shot to Kerry Wood s dominant twenty-strikeout performance, great games, notable names and a multitude of memorable moments have played out at Clark and Addison to create baseball s most recognizable relationship: the Cubs and Wrigley Field. The authors of Wrigley Field: 100 Stories for 100 Years return to celebrate this grand anniversary with Cubs 100: A Century at Wrigley, a new collection of baseball tales, including highlights from the exciting 2015 season, from storytellers such as Ryne Sandberg, Andre Dawson, Len Kasper and many others who know the symbiotic connection between the historic franchise and its iconic home.
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