NEW Creation: Remarkable Evidence of Gods Design by Grant R. Jeffrey original torrent francais free buy

NEW Creation: Remarkable Evidence of Gods Design by Grant R. Jeffrey original torrent francais free buy

NEW Creation: Remarkable Evidence of Gods Design by Grant R. Jeffrey original torrent francais free buy

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Book description
This book explores the powerful new evidence discovered in the last few decades by scientific research in astronomy, the nature of the atom and DNA. These discoveries have caused a revolution in the world view of thousands of scientists as they were confronted with compelling new evidence that our universe must have been created by a Supernatural Mind. Grant Jeffrey’s latest book, Creation, will challenge readers with fascinating new information that confirms the Bible’s claim that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Content Includes:·Deep space reveals mysteries of the first moments of creation·Wonders of the universe point to a Supernatural Creator·A revolution in our understanding of the universe’s beginning·Astonishing evidence of the universe’s intelligent design·Remarkable discoveries about the nature of the atom·The collapse of the Theory of Evolution ·DNA- The language of God·Modern science discovers God
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