NEW Costume in Detail: Womens Dress 1730-1930 by Nancy Bradfield online touch offline macbook author

NEW Costume in Detail: Womens Dress 1730-1930 by Nancy Bradfield online touch offline macbook author

NEW Costume in Detail: Womens Dress 1730-1930 by Nancy Bradfield online touch offline macbook author

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Book description
Costume in Detail: Womens Dress 1730-1930, by Nancy Bradfield, is a unique, detailed, highly useful collection of drawings of historic clothing, almost entirely womens, drawn from specimens in British collections.These dresses are often too fragile to exhibit, or even photograph clearly, but Ms. Bradfield has closely, carefully studied them in person and has produced excellent, clear drawings of them, inside and out, showing details of construction and pattern, as well as supplemental material and accessories.Many of the dresses in this book are famous in their own way, in the collections of England. Because of that, this book is an excellent companion to Janet Arnolds books, in which many of the same dresses have carefully charted dress patterns. Between the patterns in Arnolds books and the detailed drawings of the finished garments in this book, accurate reproductions can be made.(I am on record as saying that author-drawn costume histories are rubbish. And so they are. Authors who wish to draw pretty mannequins in historique dress and their own interpretations of old artworks always get them wrong. This book is something else entirely, original drawings, not copies of somebody elses.)
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