NEW Congo: The Movie Storybook by Ron Fontes italian online reading library download

NEW Congo: The Movie Storybook by Ron Fontes italian online reading library download

NEW Congo: The Movie Storybook by Ron Fontes italian online reading library download

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Book description
If you saw the 1995 film adaptation of this Crichton thriller, somebody owes you an apology. While youre waiting for that to happen, try reading the vastly more intelligent novel on which the movie was based. The broad lines of the plot remain the same: A research team deep in the jungle disappears after a mysterious and grisly gorilla attack. A subsequent team, including a sign-language-speaking simian named Amy, follows the original teams tracks only to be subjected to more mysterious and grisly gorilla attacks. If you can look past the breathless treatment of 80s technology, like voice-recognition software and 256K RAM modules (the book was written in 1980), youll find the same smart use of science and edge-of-your-seat suspense shared by Crichtons other work. --Paul Hughes,
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