NEW Computer Algorithms by Ellis Horowitz download txt

NEW Computer Algorithms by Ellis Horowitz download txt

NEW Computer Algorithms by Ellis Horowitz download txt

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Book description
The prose is too abstract for a first course algorithms book. Consider the hideous abstract description of the binary search algorithm in Chpt 3 as the normal approach for the book. As a student I generally prefer concrete motivations, idea or examples followed by abstraction and algorithm. Also this book strangely doesnt bother talking about Turing machines though it talks about P/NP problems. It also omits red-black trees, B-trees, and other balancing algorithms. Instead it has 3 chapters on inter-processor algorithms. On a positive side, it generously covers dynamic programming in multiple chapters with many examples and exercises.Fortunately Im only using this book as a refresher for which it actually works well. A very nice plus is that it contains a large number of exercises. But to future teachers, please dont torture your poor undergrad students with such text; it turns them off to an otherwise interesting and important subject matter.
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