NEW Carosellis Accidental Heir by Michelle Celmer get german sale download selling

NEW Carosellis Accidental Heir by Michelle Celmer get german sale download selling

NEW Carosellis Accidental Heir by Michelle Celmer get german sale download selling

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Book description
Stop the wedding—shes pregnant! When Lucy Bates caught herself falling too hard for Chicago businessman Tony Caroselli, she ran. How could she measure up to his wealthy familys standards? But now shes pregnant and back to tell the truth…only to see Tony marrying another woman before her very eyes! Lucy always had impeccable timing—especially interrupting a wedding Tony never wanted. And if she produces a male heir, Tony stands to inherit a fortune. Plus, the real payoff is having Lucy back where she belongs—with him. But when she finds out about his inheritance, will she feel like a pawn and run again?
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