NEW Breakfast with Tiffany: An Uncles Memoir by Edwin John Wintle ios online portable pc bookstore

NEW Breakfast with Tiffany: An Uncles Memoir by Edwin John Wintle ios online portable pc bookstore

NEW Breakfast with Tiffany: An Uncles Memoir by Edwin John Wintle ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description
Edwin Wintle was a successful, urbane professional whose life, at forty, was very comfortable. He had reached the point when he looked around at his well-ordered, unfettered existence and wondered, Is this all there is After a desperate call from his sister at her wits end, his street-wise thirteen-year-old niece Tiffany -- a writhing ball of adolescent anger -- comes to live with him. If he felt he needed a shot in the arm, what he got proved more like electroshock therapy.Breakfast with Tiffany chronicles the newly minted family through a year of tumult and drama, as instant parent Uncle Eddy watches his best-laid plans go awry. With an edgy wit and compassion reminiscent of Augusten Burroughs and David Sedaris, Edwin Wintle recounts not only the coming of age of his beloved, if troubled niece, but his own as well. Just when it seems there is certain disaster, the two manage to pull through it with their unconventional little family in better shape than ever.
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