NEW Big Chickens by Leslie Helakoski phone free kindle information audio

NEW Big Chickens by Leslie Helakoski phone free kindle information audio

NEW Big Chickens by Leslie Helakoski phone free kindle information audio

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Book description
When four big chickens see a wolf sneaking near their coop, they run into the woods to hide. But for a bunch of big chickens, running away from danger isn’t as easy as it looks. As they continue on their way, they wonder:What if they get stuck in a ditch? What if they hit an iceberg in the lake? What if they step into a cow patty? Ewww!Brimming with silliness and the kind of slapstick humor small children love, here’s a rollicking read-aloud with an uplifting message and a very satisfying ending. Henry Cole’s hilarious artwork captures all the sly humor.
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