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NEW Barton Fink & Millers Crossing by Joel Coen online read value how read torrent

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The screenplays for two outstanding Coen brothers films, Millers Crossing and Barton Fink. Not just for the nerds, the Barton Fink screenplay interested me as a study on writers block, as written. The Coens went through their own struggles with the mental impotence as Barton does in the story. They wrote this script initially as an exercise to get past it. (Only Joel gets a writing credit, and I take that as another good reason to read the scripts too. To see that on film it was really a sharing writing thing, paper or no.) I thought that was a pretty nifty idea, myself, writing about writers block, and the egoism of writing, and how much it sucks to put it all out there to begin with. (Paul Thomas Anderson picked a random novel, Oil! to adapt when experiencing the block for himself. What started as a practice of adapting one or two chapters turned into There Will Be Blood. I kinda collect these kinds of stories. Its inspirational to me cause I get stuck a lot.) I loved it on an early 90s episode of The Simpsons when Millhouse bragged to Bart that they were sneaking into an r-rated film: Barton Fink! (Millhouse looks a lot like Barton. I thought it was funny, anyway.)John Turturro played Barton Fink and Bernie in Millers Crossing. I was already a fan after seeing Quiz Show in 1994. It wasnt until seeing in 96 his performance in Millers Crossing that I was so impressed that I had to seek out every single thing hes ever done (sadly, his stints in The Transformers films cooled that ardor a bit. Guess I have standards, after all. I even watched that crappy Jodie Foster movie that Dennis Hopper tried to pass off as an Alan Smithee film.) The scene where he begged for his life impressed the hell out of me. The brothers let him fly free. You wont get that kinda stuff in the scripts. Some of the beauty in the Coen films is the combined wavelength brilliance. What one brother writes on paper, another knew exactly where to go on film, whether they wrote it or not as a kinda same mental click process. (The only person Id ever be able to do that with is my twin.) Id recommend reading the scripts to see the brains and then watch the movies for the heart. Its hard to believe they were at a loss when the films are so rich.
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