NEW Australias Red Centre by Brian Lawrenson (Goodreads Author) how to price finder online offline

NEW Australias Red Centre by Brian Lawrenson (Goodreads Author) how to price finder online offline

NEW Australias Red Centre by Brian Lawrenson (Goodreads Author) how to price finder online offline

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Book description
The centre of Australia is flat, red and hot but it offers some of the most amazing travel experiences that anyone could have. Here is sacred Uluru, and mystical Kata Tjuta (the Olgas), both huge sandstone massifs with spiritual links to the local Aboriginal people. The scenery is spectacular, the local people unique and the food very different - try kangaroo, camel and bush tucker. Called the Red Centre, it is steeped in history yet part of a modern Australia. Here you can taste it, smell it and experience a completely different travel destination. This short travelogue is suitable for people ideal for people that love travel and travel stories
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