NEW As I See: The Fantastic World of Boris Artzybasheff by Boris Artzybasheff francais format tablet torrent book

NEW As I See: The Fantastic World of Boris Artzybasheff by Boris Artzybasheff francais format tablet torrent book

NEW As I See: The Fantastic World of Boris Artzybasheff by Boris Artzybasheff francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description

Book description
A striking collection of extraordinary images from one of the twentieth century’s most acclaimed and unique American artists.This fantastical collection teems with ironic imagery which documents our culture’s vanity, aggression, dreams, and neuroses with biting wit and wisdom. Boris Artzybasheff’s striking graphic style, which includes everything from grotesque experiments in anthropomorphism, to the depiction of vivid and extreme ranges of human psychology and emotion, is displayed to full effect in this seminal collection of his work. A stunning collection from an artist with a strong sense of design and humour!
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