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NEW Arguments For Socialism by Tony Benn online link flibusta without signing txt

NEW Arguments For Socialism by Tony Benn online link flibusta without signing txt

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Book description
Ive read extracts of Tony Benns diaries, and I was really moved by some of his writing, (and also his politics) but this book was hard going. I was expecting something more personal, along the lines of his diaries but this book is not that. If you already like Tony Benns earlier writing then you might like this. I found the opening chapters very good. Tony Benn discusses why he is a socialist. He describes the origins of the British democratic movement, starting with Christ (he includes a very good quote about Jesus Christ, written by H.G. Wells) through to the 17th century socialist movements (The Levellers, the Diggers) and he ends up with a section about the current Constitution of the Labour Party. He goes into detail about Clause IV of the Labour Party Constitution, and the influence it has over Labour policies. These chapters were the best part of the book for me. I really liked the personal writing style. (It was interesting to note that the current Labour Party seems quite removed from its Constitution as described here by Tony Benn).The rest of the book is then largely about 1970s economics, i.e. Britain just before Thatcher. I remember the 70s, and Margaret Thatcher, so I was thinking this would be a good book for me, but unfortunately after those first few chapters, Tony Benns rambling style was hard to read. I was hoping for something more like Letters to My Grandchildren.
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