NEW Anselm Kiefer: Salt of the Earth by Germano Celant store read format android how to

NEW Anselm Kiefer: Salt of the Earth by Germano Celant store read format android how to

NEW Anselm Kiefer: Salt of the Earth by Germano Celant store read format android how to

> READ BOOK > Anselm Kiefer: Salt of the Earth

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Book description

Book description
Over the past four decades, Anselm Kiefer has produced a diverse body of work in painting, sculpture, and installation that has made him among the most important artists of his generation. His subject matter includes sources as diverse as Teutonic mythology and history, alchemy, and the nature of belief, all depicted in a bewildering variety of materials, including oil paint, dirt, lead, models, photographs, woodcuts, sand, straw, and all manner of organic material. By adding found materials to the painted surface of his immense tableaux, he invents a compelling third space between painting and sculpture. With more than 400 color images of the artist’s works, this catalog presents works which have rarely shown in public and his most recent works.It includes critical essays, an interview with the artist, and a chronology detailing his long career. 
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