NEW Amateurs by Donald Barthelme android download writer german pocket

NEW Amateurs by Donald Barthelme android download writer german pocket

NEW Amateurs by Donald Barthelme android download writer german pocket

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Book description
I have searched high and low for you. Who knew your name would be Donald? Thats my Great Uncles name, and that guys a prick and a zealot and verbose, to boot. You are none of those things. You are just my new storyboyfriend, and Im going to read all of you, everywhere, always. How can you be so sly and succinct, like an axe chopping a block of word, ricocheting stinky, steamy mulch-chips to warm our sad, slovenly wittle pea bwains? Im going to collect it all in my push-pail, dump it out on my vinyl-wood floor, and roll around in it for a while. Fuck you, youre perfect.Im embarrassed bordering on outright shamed that I just read this guy for the first time. And yet! I licked my finger and stuck it in the air, and I sensed a change in the weather. Here I come, Donny-Boy! Did I mention that I love you? Forever? Quotes will be provided throughout my second reading Best birthday book EVER.
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