NEW Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure by Richard Evelyn Byrd bookstore book flibusta information library

NEW Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure by Richard Evelyn Byrd bookstore book flibusta information library

NEW Alone: The Classic Polar Adventure by Richard Evelyn Byrd bookstore book flibusta information library

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Book description
When Admiral Richard E. Byrd set out on his second Antarctic expedition in 1934, he was already an international hero for having piloted the first flights over the North and South Poles. His plan for this latest adventure was to spend six months alone near the bottom of the world, gathering weather data and indulging his desire “to taste peace and quiet long enough to know how good they really are.” But early on things went terribly wrong. Isolated in the pervasive polar night with no hope of release until spring, Byrd began suffering inexplicable symptoms of mental and physical illness. By the time he discovered that carbon monoxide from a defective stovepipe was poisoning him, Byrd was already engaged in a monumental struggle to save his life and preserve his sanity.When Alone was first published in 1938, it became an enormous bestseller. This edition keeps alive Byrd’s unforgettable narrative for new generations of readers.
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