NEW All-American Ads 60s by Taschen (Editor) amazon free ebook touch francais

NEW All-American Ads 60s by Taschen (Editor) amazon free ebook touch francais

NEW All-American Ads 60s by Taschen (Editor) amazon free ebook touch francais

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Book description
Taschen is an art book publisher founded in 1980 by Benedikt Taschen in Cologne, Germany. It began as Taschen Comics publishing Benedikts extensive comic collection. Taschen has been a noteworthy force in making lesser-seen art available to mainstream bookstores, including some fetishistic imagery, queer art, historical erotica, pornography and adult magazines (including multiple books with Playboy magazine). Taschen has helped bring this art into broader public view, by publishing these potentially controversial volumes alongside its more mainstream books of comics reprints, art photography, painting, design, fashion, advertising history, film, and architecture. - Wikipedia
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