NEW A Year on Ladybug Farm by Donna Ball (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

NEW A Year on Ladybug Farm by Donna Ball (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

NEW A Year on Ladybug Farm by Donna Ball (Goodreads Author) price free francais android story

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Book description
Their husbands were gone, their families were grown, and the future stretched out before them like an unfulfilled promise... Tired of always dreaming and never doing, Cici, Lindsay, and Bridget make a life-altering decision. Uprooting themselves from their comfortable lives in the suburbs, the three friends buy a run-down mansion, nestled in the picturesque Shenandoah Valley. They christen their new home Ladybug Farm, hoping that the name will bring them luck. As the friends take on a home improvement challenge of epic proportions, they encounter disaster after disaster, from renegade sheep and garden thieves to a seemingly ghostly inhabitant. Over the course of a year, overwhelming obstacles make the three women question their decision, but they ultimately learn that sometimes the best things can happen when everything goes wrong...
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