NEW A Childs Christmas in Wales & Five Poems by Dylan Thomas download german via how read mobile

NEW A Childs Christmas in Wales & Five Poems by Dylan Thomas download german via how read mobile

NEW A Childs Christmas in Wales & Five Poems by Dylan Thomas download german via how read mobile

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Book description
First recorded in February of 1952, this remastered recording of Dylan Thomas reading his A Childs Christmas in Wales recalls all of the sights, smells, and sounds of a long-ago-Christmas.Thomass wonderful recollection of this holiday in the seaside town of his youth is captured in this vivid performance. Also included are five other selected poems read by Dylan Thomas, including his well-known Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.Whether sharing his wistful memory of a holiday spent with people long past, or addressing the perennial problem of our mortality, Thomas gives us great pleasure in our personal and common memories while affirming life with a resounding Yes!Contents: A Childs Christmas in Wales and five poems: Fern Hill; Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night; In The White Giants Thigh; Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait; Ceremony After a Fire Raid.
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