NEW 8 Lessons in Military Leadership: For Entrepreneurs by Robert T. Kiyosaki buy english free german look

NEW 8 Lessons in Military Leadership: For Entrepreneurs by Robert T. Kiyosaki buy english free german look

NEW 8 Lessons in Military Leadership: For Entrepreneurs by Robert T. Kiyosaki buy english free german look

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Training for Life I served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam era. But I wasn’t a career officer and didn’t retire from the Marine Corps. I was able to retire, at age 47, because I had income coming in from my businesses and my investments. I did not have income from a career or a job. I’m sure there are quite a few people who have been able to accomplish this, but I was able to do it in large part, due to my military training. I loved military flight school because we were inspired to face our fears every day. I was not in flight school for a steady paycheck or early retirement benefits, although I knew many student pilots who were. Career Marines are employees of the U.S. government. I was in the Marine Corps and flight school for the inspiration, and preparation, for war. Rather than seek security, our instructors forced us to practice “emergency maneuvers” on each and every flight. Rather than hope and pray things would go right, the instructors would intentionally cripple the aircraft in some way, sometimes even killing the engine. They forced us to face our fears, keep our cool—and still fly the aircraft. It was perfect training for a life in business. Many people will struggle financially simply because their emotions run their lives. Rather than face their financial fears, they hide from them. Many employees hide under the blanket of a steady paycheck and job security.
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