NEW 211 Things a Clever Girl Can Do by Bunty Cutler read fb2 on iphone

NEW 211 Things a Clever Girl Can Do by Bunty Cutler read fb2 on iphone

NEW 211 Things a Clever Girl Can Do by Bunty Cutler read fb2 on iphone

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Book description
Anything boys can do, girls can do better.The hysterical, cheeky, female counterpart to the smash hit 211 Things a Bright Boy Can Do.If you’ve ever wanted to walk on stilts, make sloe gin, ride an ostrich, or forecast the weather like your grandmother used to, this is the book you’ve been waiting for.This surprisingly handy and delightfully amusing guide includes instructions for:EVERYDAY SURVIVAL SKILLS:How to manage an umbrella in the wind, escape a swarm of vicious bees, spot a love rat, get out of a cab without exposing yourself, and make a little black dress out of a garbage bag.HANDY HOUSEHOLD ADVICE:Learn 17 uses for spare fishnet stockings, how to remove any stain, rescue a meal that’s gone wrong, and enforce toilet seat procedure in a shared dwelling place.TOOLS FOR THE HOBBYIST IN THE KNOW:How to groom a horse, read tea leaves, force a cucumber, and bellydance.
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