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How to Get Marijuana in Madrid, Spain

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Or, you can apply for Madrid cannabis social club membership through the following link:. This is a preliminary application process; not all who apply will qualify for membership at a Madrid marijuana club based on Spanish law and club policy. Application for membership is general and is not necessarily applied to any particular club unless the applicant fully qualifies. Madrid is no different, so if you decide to take the traditional route to get weed in Madrid, be careful. Be observant and prepared at all times. The best place to find black market marijuana in Madrid is in Parc Retiro — a large park in the center of the city — or in the Lavapies barrio, near the metro station. In either location, the process is about the same; look for African or Middle Eastern men who will stand there and attempt to make eye contact with potential buyers. These men often carry a small backpack. Make eye contact with them, and in most cases if they have something to offer they will tell you. Always negotiate. People who are searching for ways to get marijuana in Madrid will be happy to know that there are approximately legal private cannabis clubs in the city. The clubs exist on the following principles:. You can legally join and get marijuana at a private cannabis club in Madrid. Under the privacy laws, you must be sponsored to the club by an existing member. Under the Rights to Association laws, you are bound to ensure that the cannabis products provided to you do not fall into the wrong hands; i. Joining a cannabis club in Madrid requires about minutes of your time, and you will be asked to pay a membership fee that varies from club to club, but is generally around Euro. Most cannabis clubs in Madrid offer their members Sativas, Indicas, and, depending on the club, a selection of hash and concentrates. Click here if you want to learn more about joining a cannabis club in Madrid , or you can email me here: russ marijuanagames. In most cases it is fairly safe to bring a small amount of marijuana for personal use from and to the Netherlands and Spain. Same is true within the Netherlands. The best and safest way to get marijuana in Madrid is to join a private cannabis club, as there is almost zero risk for members to acquire and consume cannabis in the club or in another private environment. Click here for more information about Madrid Cannabis Clubs. This is a preliminary application process; not all who apply will qualify for membership based on Spanish law and club policy. Hello guys i live in madrid, due to covid 19 all the clubs i know are closed, do you know where i can get it online delivered to my place? Am coming from Amsterdam for a few days to Madrid in a couple of weeks , is it possible to get some help to join a club? Hello Russ, I will be in Madrid from 22 to 25 February, I am trying to join a cannabis club and get only a few grams for the time I am here, there are some dispensaries that are friendly with tourists and maybe let me join for a fee, unfortunately I do not speak Spanish. Thanks a lot for getting in contact with us. Please email your above request to contact marijuanagames. This was a VERY useful article. I had a very quick and easy experience finding marijuana in Lavapies. It was a lot easier than I had expected. Thanks, John, glad you got connected safely! If you ever want to try out a private cannabis club, let me know! Peace -Russ. How can i get in to a private club? Hi Russ, hope you are doing fine man. Thanks for the help. Hola Diego; please email your request to russ marijuanagames. Best wishes. Hi Russ, I am trying to send you an email but get a bounce back error email each time… even tried to send my email fom a different address and IP address… I am Project Manager of a Cannabis Consulting firm in Los Angeles. Visiting Madrid later this month. Hi russ just got too Madrid. I would be great full if you could help out. Hola Russ, my wife and i just arrived to madrid, looking to join a club to have some good time any suggestions i couldnt find any online, hoping and waiting your reply … salute … god bless u. Hello russ! And I was stopped by the police entering madrid.. And i desperately need you help! If you have the time, please answer my email as quickly as possible! Hola Jose; if we have already connected, cool, otherwise, I have no email from you. Please use russ marijuanagames. This man is the real deal and will help you if you need it. Hello, i really need your help russ. Your article are amazing. Hope to speak with you asap. Hey Russ, Just sent you a msg to your mail. Really appreciate your help. Best regards, M. Hey russ im in madrid now its im looking to hopegully join a cannabis club and get just a few grams for the time I am here, is there any dispensaries that arw friendly to tourists and maybe let me join for a fee, i speak fluentl spanish.. Hola Carlos; please email me at russ marijuanagames. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Please support my work by sharing: 5 shares. Author Recent Posts. Follow Me. Russ Hudson. A published author, certified search marketer, and web developer, Russ is an avid supporter of transparency in marijuana research, truth in cannabis activism, and full repeal of prohibition. Russ also advocates for the immediate development of a cooperative international economic and agricultural marijuana strategy. Having lived, worked, and traveled extensively throughout The Netherlands, Spain, and the United States, Russ is intimately familiar with cannabis culture. But one of the coolest things about Russ is that he actually responds to emails personally. Find out for yourself by getting in touch with him now: Email Russ: contact marijuanagames. Thank you for your support! Latest posts by Russ Hudson see all. Are Barcelona Cannabis Clubs Dangerous? Hola Kate; Thanks a lot for getting in contact with us. Hola Andrea; Please email us at contact marijuanagames. Hola Pedro; Thanks a lot for getting in contact with us. Hi man, I just emailed you. I hope we can work something out. Thanks man. Hi Russ! If i send an e mail will you help me for find weed? I can try, hit me up; russ marijuanagames. Are you using. There are no problems with my email systems at this time. Hello Russ, me and my brother are heading out to madrid tomorrow for his birthday. Would be eternally grateful Many thanks Antonio. Anyway to find some marijuana in Madrid. Visiting from Los Angeles. Please email me at russ marijuanagames. 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