Murderers Row Download Movies

Murderers Row Download Movies


Murderers' Row Download Movies

The handsome top agent Matt dies a tragic death in his bath tub - the women mourn about the loss. However it's just faked for his latest top-secret mission: He shall find Dr. Solaris, inventor of the Helium laser beam, powerful enough to destroy a whole continent. It seems Dr. Solaris has been kidnapped by a criminal organization. The trace leads to the Cote D'Azur...
Handsome top-secret American agent Matt Helm must recover a laser-weapons inventor who has been kidnapped by arch-villain Julian Wall.
Ann-Margaret dances. Dean Martin drinks. Dean Martin drives. Ann-Margaret dances. Dean Martin drinks. Dean Martin drives. Dean Martin lets loose with poorly thought out quips relating to the female anatomy. Ann-Margaret and Dean Martin encounter Bad Guys and Gal in haphazard fashion. Dean Martin engages in poorly choreographed fighting scenes. Dean Martin is placed in death trap for which we are given no explanation for how the device is supposed to kill him (when WILL that explosive device detonate. Is it on a timer or will the milk-shake machine set it off when it reaches a certain velocity?). It takes about an hour and ten minutes before anything REALLY happens and by then it&#39;s too late and too pathetically executed by the crew hired to make this film.<br/><br/>I would say that this is among the worst movies that I have ever seen but that would infer that this IS a movie. It&#39;s NOT a movie. It is a collage of filmed sequences editted together to cash in on it&#39;s superb predecessor, The Silencers. A plot, oh yes, there is a plot; But no vehicle upon which to expand that plot into an actual movie.<br/><br/>Columbia Pictures has done the public a favor by packaging the two best Matt Helm films (The Silencers and The Wrecking Crew) in one package and the worst (Murderer&#39;s Row) with the somewhat mediocre The Ambushers.
This second entry of the Matt Helms (Dean Martin) spy-spoof series is no better or worse than the Silencers or The Ambushers, but is a notch above the final entry, The Wrecking Crew. For one thing, Ann-Margret was never more beautiful (face and body) than from that time period. Energy to spare, she&#39;s on a constant high of momentum. Also included is the lovely Camilla Sparv (Michael Caine&#39;s girlfriend at the time) and she always adds class. Plus, Beverly Adams as the gorgeous Lovie Kravzit. Dino is pretty much working on 1/2 power, but does his job.<br/><br/>A 5 out of 10. Best performance = Ann-Margret. These Helm films will seem better now than when they were released in the mid to late 60&#39;s. Just fun stuff (like Casino Royale) with tons of babes and decent villains. Check it out!


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