Mulan 2 Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download

Mulan 2 Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download


Mulan 2 Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download

While preparing for their wedding, Shang and Mulan are suddenly sent off on a secret mission. Mushu starts to meddle, and a surprise attack by Mongolians doesn't help either.
Fa Mulan gets the surprise of her young life when her love, Captain (now General) Li Shang asks for her hand in marriage. Before the two can have their happily ever after, the Emperor assigns them a secret mission, to escort three princesses to Qui Gong, China. Mushu is determined to drive a wedge between the couple after he learns that he will lose his guardian job if Mulan marries into the Li family. After the princesses unexpectedly fall in love with the Gang of Three, Mulan decides to help them escape the fate of marrying men they do not love. This contradicts the Emperor's orders and forces him to put Mulan's relationship with Shang into question. They are attacked by Mongolians, and the fate of China hangs in the balance.
Firstly I&#39;d like to congratulate Disney on creating another awful sequel. Three cheers! Now, the story. Awful-Mulan and Shang are engaged, then the Emperor wants them to carry out a mission for him. They have to escort his daughters to their arranged weddings, but the journey may be dangerous...and throw in the facts that Mulan doesn&#39;t agree with arranged weddings, and Mushu wants to split Mulan and Shang up. This will give you one awful story. I mean, Mulan doesn&#39;t agree with arranged marriages-if she hadn&#39;t messed up the matchmaker thing in the original, SHE would have been in an arranged marriage. Oh and there&#39;s this too-Yao, Ling and Chein Po fall in love with the princesses.<br/><br/>The animation-it&#39;s awful. Mulan looks like she&#39;s been given an apple for a head, unlike the original. Shang looks pretty much the same although there are some scenes where you think &#39;what was that?&#39; before you realise Shang&#39;s appearance has changed.<br/><br/>Songs...overall they were&#39;t as bad as certain other &#39;sequel songs&#39;. The first song, though, was pointless and awful. But, maybe it&#39;s only compared to that, but &#39;Like Other Girls&#39; was way better. Of course it&#39;s about ignoring tradition etc, but they get away with it cause it&#39;s Disney.<br/><br/>OK, overall I intensely disliked this movie. It&#39;s a bad sequel-if you don&#39;t compare it to the original it&#39;s slightly better-but I wouldn&#39;t recommend it. Unless you like watching brats overturning their county&#39;s traditions and cultures to &#39;follow their hearts&#39; and &#39;marry someone who loves them for who they are&#39;. However, the story&#39;s pretty original for a Disney movie, apart from the &#39;follow your heart&#39; message. And of course there&#39;s a happy ending-Mulan &amp; Shang get hitched, as do the princesses. And Mushu gets to keep his pedestal-a Mushu not voiced by Eddie Murphy, which I thought was great cause his routine is so repetitive. But that&#39;s another subject for another board. For now, buy this if you haven&#39;t watched Mulan I-if you have, buy it for your collection. But don&#39;t expect much.
I found Mulan II to be a huge disappointment considering the good reviews I&#39;d read on this website. Positive points: hmmmm... well, it&#39;s always enjoyable in a sequel to have the same voice talents as the original movie. Negative points: the animation and music are truly second rate, but not any worse than you&#39;d expect in a direct-to-video sequel. In my opinion, the WORST part of Mulan II is the &quot;follow your heart&quot; message. The characters in this film all learn that the most important thing is to do WHATEVER YOU FEEL (LIKE DOING)! Ignore the rules, ignore tradition, forget duty (filthy word!), and by no means take thought for the consequences your actions will have for yourself, your family, and your country. Though it&#39;s no doubt a popular sentiment, is this truly what we want to teach our children to believe?? Mulan herself says, when she refers to the events of the first film: &quot;I followed my heart and it *turned out* to be the right thing to do.&quot; Lucky break. One of the most poignant parts of the first film is when the rejected Mulan looks at her actions and realizes that some of her motives were actually quite selfish. (In this sequel Mulan encourages others in the same sort of selfishness, and in the end she herself nearly becomes the sacrifice to the consequences of her ill-advised mantra.) Mulan #1 grew up, Mulan #2 could use some of the same.


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