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Авторизуйтесь, чтобы видеть больше того, что вам интересно. Закрыть Войти. Новости Москвы Узнать новости своего района Выбрать другой регион. Основные строительно-монтажные работы в инфекционной больнице в Новой Москве, которую возводят в скорые сроки для больных коронавирусом, завершены. В Москве в воскресенье намерены провести масштабную дезинфекцию общественных пространств, сообщил заместитель мэра Москвы по вопросам жилищно-коммунального хозяйства и благоустройства Петр Бирюков. Проекты по программе реновации предусматривают комплексное обновление городских территорий с учетом локальных социально-демографических, транспортных и других показателей. Планируется создание различных инфраструктурных объектов для жителей разных возрастов. Люди, имеющие онкологические заболевания, продолжат получать медицинскую помощь. Официальный портал Мэра и Правительства Москвы В Москве за сутки коронавирусом заразились человека. Об этом проинформировали столичные власти. Указом Президента нерабочие дни в России продлены почти на месяц — до 30 апреля. Пандемия коронавируса не закончится быстро, придётся пережить тяжёлые времена. Об этом говорится в заявлении мэра Москвы Сергея Собянина. Председатель Мосгордумы Алексей Шапошников ответил на вопросы москвичей о режиме самоизоляции. В Москве 90 тысяч людей с хроническими заболеваниями получили выплаты за соблюдение режима самоизоляции. Социальные учреждения перешли на новый режим работы, но даже в условиях самоизоляции москвичи могут решить важные вопросы, пользуясь порталом mos. Мосгорсуд зарегистрировал иск москвича Дмитрия Кисиева к правительству Москвы о признании недействующими положений указа мэра от 29 марта г. СВХ войдет в состав так называемого хордового кольца, которое включает еще три магистрали: Северо-Западную и Юго-Восточную хорды, а также Южную рокаду. Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин сделал новые распоряжения, нацеленные на борьбу с коронавирусной инфекцией. Первый пакет мер антикризисной поддержки бизнеса был утвержден Собяниным 24 марта. Пандемия коронавируса отразится на будущей архитектуре. Мнение об этом высказал главный архитектор Москвы Сергей Кузнецов. Патриарх Кирилл совершил объезд столицы с чудотворной иконой Богоматери 'Умиление' и молитвой об избавлении от 'морового поветрия'. Самые жесткие ограничительные меры в России в связи с коронавирусом приняты на территории Москвы и области, столичные власти делают все, чтобы не разрушить экономику, заявил мэр Сергей Собянин. В столице открыли бесплатную онлайн-школу, сообщила заммэра Москвы по вопросам социального развития Анастасия Ракова. Сергей Собянин осмотрел работу службы телемедицинской помощи пациентам с коронавирусом, которые проходят лечение на дому. Все новости Москвы в хронологическом порядке. Информация для СМИ. База данных СМИ. Пользовательское соглашение. Мобильная версия. Подписка на новости. Новости на вашем сайте. Обратная связь. Топ новостных сюжетов: статистика. Как работают Яндекс. Для доступа ко всем настройкам введите логин и пароль на Яндексе или зарегистрируйтесь. Мои источники. Добавьте издания, материалы которых вы хотите видеть в первую очередь:. Нежелательные источники. Общество Культурные центры Москвы подготовили ряд онлайн-мероприятий Москва 24 Общество Около москвичей лечатся от коронавируса дома Газета. Ru Общество Новые онлайн-экскурсии подготовили для москвичей Вечерняя Москва Общество Власти Москвы рассказали о системе контроля режима самоизоляции Газета.

Бесплатные пробники Кокаина Острава

Москва (Россия) - самая подробная информация о городе с фото. Главные достопримечательности Москвы с описанием, путеводители и карты.  Москва (Россия) - самая подробная информация о городе с фото. Главные достопримечательности Москвы с описанием, путеводители и карты. Город Москва (Россия). Москва - столица России и крупнейший город страны.

Пробники Амфетамина Пардубице

Закладки Конопли в Ольштын

The most populous city in Europe, metropolitan Moscow has a population of close to 12 million, which constitutes about 7 percent of the total Russian population. It is the site of the Kremlin, which now serves as the ceremonial residence of the President of Russia. Moscow is world-renowned for its architecture and its performing arts. Moscow also remains a major economic center and is home to a large number of billionaires. It is home to many scientific and educational institutions, as well as numerous sports facilities. Moscow also hosted the Summer Olympics. The origin of the name is unknown, although several theories exist. The most reliable theory is that the name derives from Finno-Ugric Moska tribe who lived along the Moskva river. Their main settlement was named Moskova which suggest some connections to Karelia and Tshuudis. One theory suggests that the source of the name is an ancient Finnic language, in which it means 'dark' and 'turbid. The oldest evidence of humans in the area where Moscow now stands dates from the Stone Age Schukinskaya Neolithic site on the Moscow River. Within the modern bounds of the city, a burial ground of the Fatyanovskaya culture has been discovered, as well as evidence of early-Iron Age settlements of the Dyakovskaya culture, on the grounds of Kremlin , Sparrow Hills, Setun River, and Kuntsevskiy forest park. At the end of the first millennium C. By the end of the eleventh century, Moscow was a small town with a feudal center and trade suburb situated at the mouth of the Neglinnaya River. Yuri Dolgoruki called upon the prince of the Novgorod Republic to 'come to me, brother, to Moscow. Moscow developed into a stable and prosperous principality which attracted a large number of refugees from across Russia. By paying a large amount of tribute, Ivan won an important concession from the Khan. Unlike other principalities, Moscow was not divided among his sons but was passed intact to his eldest. Although this victory is regarded as historically important, it was not decisive. After two years of battle, Moscow was completely destroyed by khan Tokhtamysh. In the Tatars from the Crimean Khanate seized and burned Moscow. They entered Moscow in and suppressed the rebellion against Tsar, but after they left early in , the Polish - Lithuanian army invaded. In Moscow suffered a great fire. In , the people of Nizhny Novgorod and other Russian cities conducted by prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin rose against the Polish occupants,besieged the Kremlin and expelled them. In , the Zemsky sobor elected Michael Romanov tsar, establishing the Romanov dynasty. The seventeenth century was rich in popular risings, such as the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders , the Salt Riot , the Copper Riot , and the Moscow Uprising of In , 16 divisions of the national volunteers more than , people , 25 battalions 18, soldiers and four engineering regiments were formed among the Muscovites. In November , German Army Group Center was stopped at the outskirts of the city and then driven off in the course of the Battle of Moscow. Many factories were evacuated, together with much of the government, and from October 20 the city was declared to be under siege. Its remaining inhabitants built and manned antitank defenses, while the city was bombarded from the air. On May 1, a medal For the defense of Moscow and in another medal In memory of the th anniversary of Moscow were instituted. In , it hosted the Summer Olympic Games. In Moscow was the scene of a coup attempt by the government members opposed to the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev. Since then, the emergence of a market economy in Moscow has produced an explosion of Western-style retailing, services, architecture, and lifestyles. As with most medieval settlements, early Moscow required fortresses to defend it from invaders such as the Mongols. A trading settlement, or posad, grew up to the east of the Kremlin , in the area known as Zaradye Зарядье. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the three circular defenses were built: Kitay-gorod Китай-город , the White City Белый город and the Earthen City Земляной город. However, in , two fires destroyed much of the town, and in the Crimean Tatars captured Moscow, burning everything except the Kremlin. The annals record that only 30, of , inhabitants survived. In , an outer earth rampart with 50 towers was erected around the city, including an area on the right bank of the Moscow River. As an outermost line of defense, a chain of strongly fortified monasteries was established beyond the ramparts to the south and east, principally the Novodevichy Convent and Donskoy, Danilov, Simonov, Novospasskiy, and Andronikov monasteries, most of which now house museums. By , the building of cobbled roads had begun. In November of , the permanent street light was introduced, and by many streets had a gaslight. In , near the Prechistinskiye Gates, arc lamps were installed. In Moscow was surrounded by a barricade 25 miles long, the Kamer-Kollezhskiy barrier, with sixteen gates at which customs tolls were collected. Between — the Mytischinskiy water-pipe the first in Russia was built. In a Commission for the Construction of the City of Moscow was established. It launched a great program of rebuilding, including a partial replanning of the city-center. In the Moskvoretskaya water-supply had appeared. The postwar years saw a serious housing crisis, which stimulated the invention of commieblocks; apartments were built and partly furnished in the factory before being raised and stacked into tall columns. There are about 13, of these standardized, prefabricated apartment blocks. The popular Soviet-era comic film Irony of Fate parodies this soulless construction method. A groom on his way home from his bachelor party passes out at an airport and wakes up in Leningrad, mistakenly sent there by his friend. He gets a taxi to his address, which also exists in Leningrad, and uses his key to open the door. The population of Moscow is rapidly increasing. The ubiquitous presence of legal and illegal permanent and temporary migrants, plus merging suburbs, raises the total population to about According to the Russian Census the population of the city proper was 11,,; however, this figure only takes into account legal residents, and not the several million estimated illegal immigrants and gastarbeiters living in the city. Moscow is home to an estimated 1. In order to help regulate population growth, Moscow has an internal passport system that prohibits non-residents from staying in the capital for more than 90 days without registration. Moscow is the seat of power for the Russian Federation. At the center of the city, in Central Administrative Okrug, is the Moscow Kremlin, which houses the home of the President of Russia as well as many of the facilities for the national government. This includes numerous military headquarters and the headquarters of the Moscow Military District. Moscow, like with any national capital , also hosts all the foreign embassies and diplomats representing a multitude of nations in Russia. Along with Saint Petersburg, Moscow is designated as one of only two federal cities within Russia. Moscow is located within the central economic region, one of twelve regions within Russia with similar economic goals. The entire city of Moscow is headed by one mayor. It is divided into 12 administrative okrugs and districts. All administrative okrugs and districts have their own coats of arms, flags, and elected head officials. Additionally, most districts have their own cable television, computer network, and official newspaper. In addition to the districts, there are Territorial Units with Special Status, or territories. These usually include areas with small or no permanent populations, such as the case with the All-Russia Exhibition Center, the Botanical Garden, large parks, and industrial zones. In recent years, some territories have been merged with different districts. There are no regions of specific ethnicity in Moscow. And although districts are not designated by income, as with most cities, those areas that are closer to the city center, metro stations or green zones are considered more prestigious. Moscow is the administrative center of Moscow Oblast, but as a federal city, it is administratively separate from the oblast. Moscow is exposed to cold winters, warm and mild summers, and very brief spring and autumn seasons. The highest temperature ever recorded was Monthly rainfall totals vary minimally throughout the year, although the precipitation levels tend to be higher during the summer than during the winter. Due to the significant variation in temperature between the winter and summer months as well as the limited fluctuation in precipitation levels during the summer, Moscow is considered to be within a continental climate zone. Moscow is situated on the banks of the Moskva River, which flows for just over five hundred kilometers through western Russia, in the center of the East-European plain. There are 49 bridges across Moskva River and its canals within city limits. From there, the roads in general radiate out to intersect with a sequence of circular roads or 'rings' focused at the Kremlin. The first and innermost major ring, Bulvarnoye Koltso Boulevard Ring , was built at the former location of the sixteenth century city wall around what used to be called Bely Gorod White Town. The Bulvarnoye Koltso is technically not a ring; it does not form a complete circle, but instead a horseshoe-like arc that goes from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour to the Yauza River. In addition, the Boulevard Ring changes street names numerous times throughout its journey across the city. Like the Boulevard Ring, the Garden Ring follows the path of a sixteenth-century wall that used to encompass part of the city. The third ring, the Third Transport Ring, was completed in as a high-speed freeway. The Fourth Transport Ring, another freeway, is currently under construction to further reduce traffic congestion. Outside the city, some of the roads encompassing the city continue to follow this circular pattern seen inside city limits. For a long time the skyline of Moscow was dominated by numerous Orthodox churches. The look of the city changed drastically during Soviet times, mostly due to Joseph Stalin , who oversaw a large-scale effort to modernize the city. He introduced broad avenues and roadways, some of them over ten lanes wide, but he also destroyed a great number of historically significant architectural works. During the s, however, both the latter were rebuilt. The Shukhov Tower, just one of many hyperboloid towers designed by Shukhov, was built between and as a transmission tower for a Russian broadcasting company. Shukhov also left a lasting legacy to the Constructivist architecture of early Soviet Russia. Stalin, however, is also credited with building the The Seven Sisters, comprising seven, cathedral-like structures. All seven towers can be seen from most elevations in the city; they are among the tallest constructions in central Moscow apart from the Ostankino Tower, which, when it was completed in , was the tallest free-standing land structure in the world and today remains the tallest in Europe. Most of these date from the post-Stalin era and the styles are often named after the leader then in power: Brezhnev, Khrushchev, etc. They are usually ill-maintained. The Stalinist-era constructions, mostly in the central city, are massive and usually ornamented with Socialist realism motifs that imitate classical themes. The Old Arbat, a popular tourist street that was once the heart of a bohemian area, preserves most of its buildings from prior to the twentieth century. Many buildings found off the main streets of the inner city behind the Stalinist facades of Tverskaya Street, for example are also examples of the bourgeois decadence of Tsarist Russia. Ostankino, Kuskovo, Uzkoye and other large estates just outside Moscow originally belonged to nobles from the Tsarist era, and some convents and monasteries, both inside and outside the city, are open to Muscovites and tourists. These revamped structures are easily spotted by their bright new colors and spotless facades. There are a few examples of notable, early Soviet avant-garde work too, such as the house of the architect Konstantin Melnikov in the Arbat area. Later examples of interesting Soviet architecture are usually marked by their impressive size and the semi-Modernist styles employed, such as with the Novy Arbat project, familiarly known as 'false teeth of Moscow' and notorious for its wide-scale disruption of a historic area in the heart of downtown Moscow. As in London , but on a broader scale, plaques on house exteriors inform passers-by that a well-known personality once lived there. Frequently the plaques are dedicated to Soviet celebrities not well-known outside of Russia. Frequent art exhibitions of both new and classic painting, photography, and sculpture thrive, as they once did in pre- Revolutionary times. One of the most notable art museums in Moscow is the Tretyakov Gallery, which was founded by Pavel Tretyakov — , a wealthy patron of the arts who donated a large private collection to the city Currently the Tretyakov Gallery is split into two buildings. The Old Tretyakov, the original gallery in the Tretyakovskaya area on the south bank of the Moskva River, houses the works of the classic Russian tradition. Visitors can even see rare originals by early-fifteenth century iconographer Andrei Rublev. The New Tretyakov, created in Soviet times, mainly contains the works of Soviet artists, as well as of a few contemporary artists, but there is some overlap with the Old Tretyakov Gallery for early twentieth-century art. Works of Socialist realism can also be found within the halls of the New Tretyakov Gallery. The Pushkin Museum is similar to the British Museum in London in that its halls are a cross-section of world civilizations, with many plaster cast reproductions of ancient sculptures. Its exhibitions range from relics of the prehistoric tribes inhabiting present-day Russia, through priceless artworks acquired by members of the Romanov dynasty. The Polytechnical Museum, founded in is the largest technical museum in Russia, offering a wide array of historical inventions and technological achievements, including humanoid automata of the eighteenth century, and the first Soviet computers. Its collections contains more than thousand objects. There is also a military history museum which includes statues and military hardware, accompanied by powerful tales of that time. Moscow is also the center for Russian performing arts, including ballet and film. There are 93 theaters, cinemas and 24 concert-halls in Moscow. The repertories in a typical Moscow season are exhaustive, and modern interpretations of classic works, whether operatic or theatrical, are common. Moscow International Performance Arts Center, opened in , also known as Moscow International House of Music, is known for its performances in classical music. Soviet films are integral to film history and the Mosfilm studio produced many Soviet classic films; it is responsible for both artistic and mainstream productions. Rare and historical films may be seen in Salut cinema where films from the Museum of Cinema collection are shown regularly. There are 96 parks and 18 gardens in Moscow, including four botanical gardens. Moscow is a very green city if compared to other cities of comparable size in Western Europe and America. There is an average of 27 square meters sq ft of parks per person in Moscow compared with six in Paris , 7. It contains the Green Theater, one of the largest open amphitheaters in Europe, able to hold up to fifteen thousand people. Izmaylovskiy Park, created in , with an area of From a central circle with a large fountain radiate birch , maple and elm tree alleys. Farther, after the deer ponds, there is a labyrinth, composed of green paths. It is thought to be the largest forest in a city of comparable size. It is also known as the 'city taiga,' where elk can be seen. It also contains a rosarium with twenty thousand rose bushes, dendrarium, an oak forest with the average age of trees exceeding years, and a greenhouse on more than square meters. Lilac park founded in is known for its permanent sculpture exposition and a large rosarium. Moscow has always been a popular destination for tourists. Other popular attractions include the Moscow Zoo, home to nearly a thousand species and more than specimens. Moscow possesses a large number of sport facilities. It is home to 63 stadiums besides eight football and eleven light athletics maneges , of which Luzhniki Stadium is the largest, and the fourth largest in Europe. Forty other sport complexes are located within the city, including 24 with artificial ice. There are also seven horse racing tracks in Moscow, of which Central Moscow Hippodrome, founded in , is the largest. Moscow was the host city of the Summer Olympics, although the yachting events were held at Tallinn, in present-day Estonia. Large athletic facilities and the main international airport, Sheremetyevo Terminal 2, were built in preparation for the Summer Olympics. Football soccer is probably the most popular spectator sport among the young, followed by ice hockey. Moscow has a vibrant night life. One of the most popular nightlife areas is around Tverskaya Street. The southern part of Tverskaya Street near the Manege Square and the Red Square area is known for its many expensive, luxurious bars and restaurants, and is considered to be a playground for New Russians and celebrities. Tverskaya Street is also one of the busiest shopping streets in Moscow. Many famous night clubs and casinos, such as Metelitsa are located along Noviy Arbat street. There are 1, high schools in Moscow, as well as 91 colleges. Besides these, institutions offer higher education in Moscow, including 60 state universities and the Lomonosov Moscow State University , which was founded in Additionally, approximately 10, high school students take courses at the university, while over two thousand researchers work. The Moscow State University library contains over nine million books, making it one of the largest libraries in all of Russia. Its acclaim throughout the international academic community has meant that over 11, international students have graduated from the university, with many coming to Moscow to learn the Russian language. The Moscow Conservatory, founded in , is a prominent music school in Russia. The University comprises two campuses, ten schools and three institutes. Several Moscow institutions have divisions in other regions and countries around the world, including Russian neighbor Mongolia. Although Moscow has a number of famous Soviet-era higher educational institutions, most of which are more oriented towards engineering or the fundamental science, in recent years Moscow has seen a significant growth in the number of commercial and private institutions that offer classes in business and management. Many state institutions have expanded their scope and increased their student enrollments. Institutions in Moscow, as well as the rest of post-Soviet Russia, have begun to offer new international certificates and postgraduate degrees, including the Master of Business Administration. Moscow is known as one of the most important centers for science in Russia. The headquarters of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as numerous research and applied science institutions, are located in Moscow. There are libraries in the city, including for children. It is the largest library in Russia, and the second largest in the world. It has 36 reading rooms, with space for more than 15 hundred people to study. In addition to its unique domestic collections it also has foreign collections in languages. The State Public Historical Library, founded in , is the largest library specializing in Russian history. Its collection contains four million items in languages including 47 languages of the former USSR , mostly on Russian and world history, heraldry, numismatics, and the history of science. Domodedovo International Airport is the largest airport in Russia in terms of passenger traffic, and is the primary gateway to long-haul domestic and CIS destinations. There are also several smaller airports near Moscow, such as Airport Myachkovo, intended for private aircraft, helicopters and charters. Moscow employs several train stations to serve the city. There are also many smaller railway stations in Moscow. Moscow also has two passenger terminals, South River Terminal and North River Terminal or Rechnoy vokzal , on the river and regular ship routes and cruises along Moskva and Oka rivers, which are used mostly for entertainment. North River Terminal, built in is also the main hub for long-range river routes. There are also three freight ports serving Moscow. Besides this Moscow has a bus terminal for long-range and intercity passenger buses Central Bus Terminal with daily overturn of about 25 thousand passengers serving about 40 percent of long-range bus routes in Moscow. Local transport includes the Moscow Metro, a metro system famous for its art, murals, mosaics, and ornate chandeliers. The system had just one line when it first opened in , but contains 12 lines today, mostly underground, with a total of stations. Park Pobedy 'Victory Park' , completed in , is the deepest metro station in the world, and contains the longest escalators in Europe. There is also a monorail line, operated by the same company. Facing serious transportation problems, Moscow has plans to expand the Moscow Metro. Metro stations outside the city center are far apart in comparison to other cities, up to four kilometers 2. Suburbs and satellite cities also connected by commuter elektrichka electric rail network. The buses are very frequent, often more than one a minute. Every large street in the city is served by at least one bus route. There are also extensive tram and trolleybus networks. In recent years, explosive growth in the number of cars has caused traffic jams and the lack of parking space to become major problems. Over over 2. However, as one can easily observe from a map of Moscow area, there are several other roadway systems that form concentric circles around the city. The plush offices and the lifestyles of corporate employees in Moscow are almost indistinguishable from those of any Western European city. Since the Russian financial crisis in late , various business sectors in Moscow have experienced an exponential rates of growth. Many new business centers and office buildings have been built in recent years, but Moscow still experiences shortages in office space. As a result, many former industrial and research facilities are being renovated into offices. In , Forbes ranked Moscow second highest in number of billionaires, surpassed only by New York City. While the overall stability of Moscow has improved in the recent years, crime and corruption continue to remain a problem hindering business development. Primary industries in Moscow include the chemical , metallurgy , food , textile , furniture , energy production, software development, and machinery industries. The Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant is one of the leading producers of military and civil helicopters in the world. The Poljot Moscow watch factory produces reliable military, professional and sport watches well known in Russia and abroad. A wide assortment of wines are produced at several Moscow wine plants, including Moscow Interrepublican Vinery. There are also many other industries located just outside the city of Moscow, as well as many microelectronic industries in Zelenograd. Moscow also hosts the headquarters of various worldwide software development companies. Despite the economic growth experienced in Moscow since the beginning of the twenty-first century, many industries have undergone various crises in recent years. Some of them have been sold to foreign investors, such as OTIS and British American Tobacco, and others have been closed down to make way for new buildings, constructed as business centers. Additionally, some industry is now being transferred out of Moscow for ecological reasons. Private ownership of apartments was limited until s, when people were permitted to secure property rights to the places they inhabited. Since the Soviet era, estate owners have had to pay the service charge for their residences, a fixed amount based on persons per living area. Now the rental costs have risen dramatically, and continue to rise. Many cannot move out of their apartments, especially if a family lives in a two-room apartment originally granted by the state during the Soviet era. Some city residents have attempted to cope with the cost of living by renting out their apartments while staying in a dacha country house outside the city. Geographically situated in Presnensky District, located at the Third Ring, the Moscow-City area is currently under intense development. The project, conceived by the Moscow government in , is intended to create a zone within the city that will combine business activity, living space and entertainment. The whole project takes up 1 square kilometer acres on the Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. The skyscraper Tower East Vostok is currently the second tallest skyscraper in Europe and Russia after Lakhta Center, and the 46th-tallest building in the world. Zapad is a shorter skyscraper than Vostok and is the 11th-tallest building in Russia. Moscow is the headquarters of nearly all Russian nationwide television network, radio stations, newspapers and magazines. English-language media includes The Moscow Times \\\[36\\\]. Expert, Kommersant, and Gazeta are Russian-language media headquartered in Moscow. Other notable media of Moscow include the Echo of Moscow, the first Soviet and Russian private news radio and information agency, and NTV, one of the first privately owned Russian television stations. New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. This article abides by terms of the Creative Commons CC-by-sa 3. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. To cite this article click here for a list of acceptable citing formats. The history of earlier contributions by wikipedians is accessible to researchers here:. Note: Some restrictions may apply to use of individual images which are separately licensed. Previous Mosca, Gaetano. Next Moscow State University. Russia Beyond , September 8, Retrieved July 25, ThoughtCo , May 30, Retrieved July 27, Presidential Library. Bridge to Moscow. Retrieved August 1, Moscow State University. Retreived August 3, Retrieved August 3, International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics. The Russian State Library. Retrieved August 5, The Moscow Times. Credits New World Encyclopedia writers and editors rewrote and completed the Wikipedia article in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. Categories : Cities Geography Asia. Москва Moscow. Position of Moscow in Europe. Website: www. Contents 1 History 1. Year Population Subdivisions of Russia.

Москва́ (произношение) — столица России, город федерального значения, административный центр Центрального федерального округа и центр Московской области, в состав которой не входит. Крупнейший по численности населения город России и её субъект — 12 человек (), самый населённый из городов, полностью расположенных в Европе, входит в десятку городов мира по численности населения, крупнейший русскоязычный город в мире.

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Подписчиков:  тыс.О себе: Официальное сообщество города Москвы в «Одноклассниках».

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Москва́ (произношение (инф.)) — столица Российской Федерации, город федерального значения, административный центр Центрального федерального округа и центр Московской области, в состав которой не входит.  ✪ Новогодняя Москва самые красивые виды. ✪ Moscow Russia Aerial Drone 5K \[HOST\] // Москва Россия Аэросъемка. ✪ Орёл и Решка - Выпуск (Назад в СССР. Москва).

MDMA таблетки цена в Ачинске

Москва́ (произношение (инф.)) — столица Российской Федерации, город федерального значения, административный центр Центрального федерального округа и центр Московской области, в состав которой не входит.  ✪ Новогодняя Москва самые красивые виды. ✪ Moscow Russia Aerial Drone 5K \\[HOST\\] // Москва Россия Аэросъемка. ✪ Орёл и Решка - Выпуск (Назад в СССР. Москва).

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