Moolyacoin ICO

Moolyacoin ICO


What is Moolyacoin Project

Moolya is a blockchain-based business enterprise biological community that will offer help, learning, showcase, openings, control, and esteem add to its locale of clients. According to their definition, Moolya involves making the stage to suit business people, associations, and establishments that make up the biological system of joint effort to guarantee firm achievement.

Moolya is the World's first LIVE Global Digital Startup Ecosystem which recreates the worldwide disconnected startup biological systems and gives its individuals, for example, ideators, new businesses, financial specialists, organizations, specialist organizations and establishments with advanced symbols. moolya was ideated by our originator out of his learnings as a startup business person in India and the travails and aches he looked simultaneously. It is our exertion on moolya to enable its worldwide clients to center around their center business viewpoints and utilize the computerized work processes and administrations on moolya, for exercises, for example, raising speculations and getting their activities adjusted. moolyacoin is an ERC20 token of a patent pending imaginative SaaS stage, which blends association system, commercial center and on-request benefit stages offering administrations utilizing the Ethereum blockchain structure and's stage. 

Moolya Solution: 

Expedites all players a carefully associated commercial center and offers a stage for environment conduction 

Self revelation as and when you require it 

Organized biological communities of environments 

Use the system externality impact 

Diminishes rehashing and endeavors bringing about nature of work 

Legitimization and digitisation of administration and process 

Access to simple capital and swarming techniques 

Democratization of systems administration, tutoring and warning on an advanced stage 

Resolves record keeping issues 

Computerized discussions idea 

Utilization of information examination to the procedure and collaborations 

How does Moolya Work? 

One of the solid ways a startup can construct an enduring, economical upper hand in business is to change from building only an item into building a stage. On a stage you permit parties numerous approaches to associate with your item and render administrations, so they can use your center item and expand over it by broadening themselves. As a result, you construct an environment around your item, extending the advantages of your item to your clients, yourself and accomplices – Your clients get the advantage of a more extensive arrangement of highlights, your 

accomplices can use your stage to achieve more clients, and you additionally advantage by "leasing" your center resources. To see how moolya stage functions one needs to comprehend its highlights, plan of action, income techniques and the cooperative open door between the computerized networks. 

The biological system intend to end up the primary worldwide far reaching computerized stage to suit the accompanying clients: 


New businesses 

Financial specialists 


Specialist organizations 

Different empowering agents, for example, tutors, masters, and accomplices 

Furthermore, Moolya intends to consolidate the utilization of the computerized token, moolyacoin, as a favored technique to direct their business and access the administrations inside the biological community. The ERC20 coins will plan to advance the reason for moolya as the main worldwide computerized startup biological community. 

Then again, Moolya will depend on a two-sided organize impact convention that is worked to help increment the utilization of a startup item inside a specific gathering of clients and therefore, expanding the estimation of its relating thing. From this, Moolya sets out on empowering the development of correlative products by giving them a solid nearness inside the market through their system impact convention. 

Moolya Feartures: 

Moolya utilizes time-tried ideas of bunches, parts and subchapters, computerized workplaces, benefit cards, symbols, business procedures and work processes to copy the disconnected models of a startup biological community, to offer a bound together advanced stage based on blockchain and savvy contracts for building worldwide trust. 

A portion of our significant highlights are: 

B2C/C2C/B2B Online Transactions 

Moolya gets simplicity of administration contributions by clients through the creative utilization of 'Administration Cards' and Digital Offices which can be devoured and paid for by different clients inside moolya 

Every one of the 6 networks – Together ! 

The first LIVE far reaching computerized stage to join, work together, execute, exchange and administration wide assortment of startup capacities 

Universally Relevant 

'' utilizes instinctive client screening module, localisation mindfulness and network business rules, regulated by hand-picked worldwide empowering influences like grapples, counselors, tutors, masters, chiefs and accomplices


Moolya Team:

The Moolya core comprises of architects, domain experts, evangelists, mentors, advisors, and engineers with experience as the go-to gurus for market efforts

Rakesh Naik – FOUNDER & CEO

Usha Nirmala – CO-FOUNDER & CPO

Rudra Pratap – CO-FOUNDER & CMO

Ramana C – CTO

Token Sales Detail:

Pre-ICO– 10th July 2018 – 10th Aug 2018

Private-Sale- 1st Sep 2018 – 30th Sep 2018

Public-Sale: 15th Oct 2018 – 15th Jan 2019


PreICO Price: 1 MOOLYA = 0.06 USD

Price: 1 MOOLYA = 0.06 USD

Bonus: Available

Bounty: Available

MVP/Prototype: Available

Platform: Ethereum

Accepting: ETH

Minimum investment: 0.2 ETH

Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 25,000,000 USD

Country: Estonia

Whitelist/KYC: KYC & Whitelist

Restricted areas: USA, China

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