


Монтенегро - очень известная страна для отдыха жителей из СНГ и Европы, для многих стран виза не нужна, поэтому просто найдите на карте Черногория, посмотрите погоду, купите билет на любой день и добро пожаловать в райский славянский уголок.

It borders Bosnia-Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia to the northeast, Kosovo \[a\] to the east, Albania to the southeast, the Adriatic Sea to the southwest, and Croatia to the west. Montenegro has an area of 13, square kilometres and a population of , census. Its capital, Podgorica , is one of the twenty-three municipalities in the country. Cetinje is designated as the Old Royal Capital. During the Early Medieval period, three principalities were located on the territory of modern-day Montenegro: Duklja , roughly corresponding to the southern half; Travunia , the west; and Rascia proper, the north. In , the country became a kingdom. After World War I , it became part of Yugoslavia. Following the breakup of Yugoslavia , the republics of Serbia and Montenegro together established a federation known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , which was renamed to the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in On the basis of an independence referendum held in May , Montenegro declared independence and the federation peacefully dissolved on 3 June of that year, ending a nearly year union between the two states. Since , the state of Montenegro has been governed by the Democratic Party of Socialists and its minor coalition partners. It is a founding member of the Union for the Mediterranean. The first mention of Montenegro as Monte nigro dates to 9 November in a papal epistle and the others date to , , , , , , and The native name Crna Gora, also meaning 'black mountain,' came to denote the majority of contemporary Montenegro in the 15th century. Its borders have changed little since then, losing Metohija and gaining the Bay of Kotor. This name was briefly kept after declaration of independence. Since 22 October , upon adopting the constitution, the name of the country became simply known as Montenegro. In the 9th century, three Slavic principalities were located on the territory of Montenegro: Duklja , roughly corresponding to the southern half, Travunia , the west, and Rascia , the north. Over the next few decades, it expanded its territory to neighbouring Rascia and Bosnia, and also became recognised as a kingdom. Its power started declining at the beginning of the 12th century. By the 13th century, Zeta had replaced Duklja when referring to the realm. As the nobility fought for the throne, the kingdom was weakened, and by , it was conquered by Stefan Nemanja and incorporated into the Serbian realm as a province named Zeta. For a short time, Montenegro existed as a separate autonomous sanjak in — Sanjak of Montenegro. Also, Old Herzegovina region was part of Sanjak of Herzegovina. Large portions fell under the control of the Ottoman Empire from to In the 16th century, Montenegro developed a unique form of autonomy within the Ottoman Empire permitting Montenegrin clans freedom from certain restrictions. Nevertheless, the Montenegrins were disgruntled with Ottoman rule, and in the 17th century, raised numerous rebellions, which culminated in the defeat of the Ottomans in the Great Turkish War at the end of that century. Montenegro consisted of territories controlled by warlike clans. Most clans had a chieftain knez , who was not permitted to assume the title unless he proved to be as worthy a leader as his predecessor. The great assembly of Montenegrin clans Zbor was held every year on 12 July in Cetinje, and any adult clansman could take part. However, the Venetian Republic introduced governors who meddled in Montenegrin politics. His predecessor Petar I contributed to the unification of Montenegro with the Highlands. Under Nicholas I ruled , the principality was enlarged several times in the Montenegro-Turkish Wars and was recognised as independent in Nicholas I established diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire. Minor border skirmishes excepted, diplomacy ushered in about 30 years of peace between the two states until the deposition of Abdul Hamid II in In one of the major Montenegrin victories over the Ottomans occurred at the Battle of Grahovac. The glory of Montenegrin victory was soon immortalized in the songs and literature of all the South Slavs, in particular the Montenegrins in Vojvodina, \[ citation needed \] then part of Austria-Hungary. From to October Austria-Hungary occupied Montenegro. During the occupation, King Nicholas fled the country and a government-in-exile was set up in Bordeaux. In a further restructuring in , it became a part of a larger Zeta Banate of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia that reached the Neretva River. Zeta Banovina was one of nine banovinas which formed the kingdom; it consisted of the present-day Montenegro and parts of Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia. Italian forces occupied Montenegro and established it as a puppet Kingdom of Montenegro. In May, the Montenegrin branch of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia started preparations for an uprising planned for mid-July. The Communist Party and its Youth League organised 6, of its members into detachments prepared for guerrilla warfare. The first armed uprising in Nazi -occupied Europe happened on 13 July in Montenegro. Unexpectedly, the uprising took hold, and by 20 July, 32, men and women had joined the fight. In a month of fighting, the Italian army suffered 5, dead, wounded, and captured. The uprising lasted until mid-August, when it was suppressed by a counter-offensive of 67, Italian troops brought in from Albania. Faced with new and overwhelming Italian forces, many of the fighters laid down their arms and returned home. Nevertheless, intense guerrilla fighting lasted until December. Fighters who remained under arms fractured into two groups. War broke out between Partisans and Chetniks during the first half of Fighting between Partisans and Chetniks continued through the war. Chetniks with Italian backing controlled most of the country from mid to April Montenegrin Chetniks received the status of 'anti-communist militia' and received weapons, ammunition, food rations, and money from Italy. Most of them were moved to Mostar , where they fought in the Battle of Neretva against the Partisans, but were dealt a heavy defeat. During the German operation Schwartz against the Partisans in May and June , Germans disarmed large number of Chetniks without fighting, as they feared they would turn against them in case of an Allied invasion of the Balkans. After the capitulation of Italy in September , Partisans managed to take hold of most of Montenegro for a brief time, but Montenegro was soon occupied by German forces , and fierce fighting continued during late and entire Montenegro was liberated by the Partisans in December After the war, the infrastructure of Yugoslavia was rebuilt, industrialization began, and the University of Montenegro was established. Greater autonomy was established until the Socialist Republic of Montenegro ratified a new constitution in The referendum was boycotted by the Muslim, Albanian, and Catholic minorities, as well as the pro-independence Montenegrins. The opponents claimed that the poll was organized under anti- democratic conditions with widespread propaganda from the state-controlled media in favour of a pro-federation vote. No impartial report on the fairness of the referendum was made, as it was unmonitored, unlike in a later referendum when European Union observers were present. During the — Bosnian War and Croatian War , Montenegrin police and military forces joined Serbian troops in the attacks on Dubrovnik , Croatia. Montenegrin General Pavle Strugar was convicted for his part in the bombing of Dubrovnik. Montenegro formed its own economic policy and adopted the German Deutsche Mark as its currency and subsequently adopted the euro , although not part of the Eurozone currency union. Subsequent governments pursued pro-independence policies, and political tensions with Serbia simmered despite the political changes in Belgrade. Targets in Montenegro were bombed by NATO forces during Operation Allied Force in , although the extent of these attacks was very limited in both time and area affected. In , Serbia and Montenegro came to a new agreement for continued cooperation and entered into negotiations regarding the future status of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Belgrade Agreement also contained a provision delaying any future referendum on the independence of Montenegro for at least three years. The status of the union between Montenegro and Serbia was decided by a referendum on Montenegrin independence on 21 May A total of , votes were cast, representing The IROM—in its preliminary report—'assessed compliance of the referendum process with OSCE commitments, Council of Europe commitments, other international standards for democratic electoral processes, and domestic legislation. On 3 June , the Montenegrin Parliament declared the independence of Montenegro, \[25\] formally confirming the result of the referendum. It rehabilitated the Royal House of Montenegro and recognized limited symbolic roles within the constitutional framework of the republic. Montenegro has been in negotiations with the EU since In , the earlier goal of acceding by \[35\] was revised to As of late December , the newly adopted Law on Religion, which de jure transfers the ownership of church buildings and estates built before from the Serbian Orthodox Church to the Montenegrin state, \[39\] \[40\] sparked a series of large \[41\] protests followed with road blockages. Montenegro ranges from high peaks along its borders with Serbia, Kosovo , and Albania, a segment of the Karst of the western Balkan Peninsula, to a narrow coastal plain that is only 1. The mountains of Montenegro include some of the most rugged terrain in Europe, averaging more than 2, metres 6, feet in elevation. Owing to the hyperhumid climate on their western sides, the Montenegrin mountain ranges were among the most ice-eroded parts of the Balkan Peninsula during the last glacial period. The diversity of the geological base, landscape, climate, and soil, and the position of Montenegro on the Balkan Peninsula and Adriatic Sea, created the conditions for high biological diversity, putting Montenegro among the 'hot-spots' of European and world biodiversity. The number of species per area unit index in Montenegro is 0. The Constitution of Montenegro describes the state as a ' civic , democratic, ecological state of social justice , based on the reign of Law. The President of Montenegro Montenegrin : Predsjednik Crne Gore is the head of state , elected for a period of five years through direct elections. The President represents the country abroad, promulgates laws by ordinance, calls elections for the Parliament , and proposes candidates for Prime Minister , president and justices of the Constitutional Court to the Parliament. The President also proposes the calling of a referendum to Parliament, grants amnesty for criminal offences prescribed by the national law, confers decoration and awards and performs other constitutional duties and is a member of the Supreme Defence Council. The official residence of the President is in Cetinje. The government is headed by the Prime Minister , and consists of the deputy prime ministers as well as ministers. It passes laws, ratifies treaties, appoints the Prime Minister, ministers, and justices of all courts, adopts the budget and performs other duties as established by the Constitution. Parliament can pass a vote of no-confidence in the Government by a simple majority. One representative is elected per 6, voters. The present parliament contains 81 seats, with 39 seats held by the Coalition for a European Montenegro after the parliamentary election. After the promulgation of the Declaration of Independence in the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro on 3 June , following the independence referendum held on 21 May, the Government of the Republic of Montenegro assumed the competences of defining and conducting the foreign policy of Montenegro as a subject of international law and a sovereign state. The implementation of this constitutional responsibility was vested in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , which was given the task of defining the foreign policy priorities and activities needed for their implementation. These activities are pursued in close cooperation with other state administration authorities, the President, the Speaker of the Parliament, and other relevant stakeholders. This process will remain in the focus of Montenegrin foreign policy in the short term. The second strategic and equally important goal, but one attainable in a shorter time span, was joining NATO , which would guarantee stability and security for pursuing other strategic goals. An official flag of Montenegro , based on the royal standard of King Nicholas I , was adopted on 12 July by the Montenegrin legislature. On the current flag, the border and arms are in gold and the royal cipher in the centre of the arms has been replaced with a golden lion. The national day of 13 July marks the date in when the Congress of Berlin recognized Montenegro as the 27th independent state in the world \[55\] and the start of one of the first popular uprisings in Europe against the Axis Powers on 13 July in Montenegro. In , the Montenegrin legislature selected a popular Montenegrin traditional song, ' Oh, Bright Dawn of May ', as the national anthem. The military of Montenegro is a fully professional standing army under the Ministry of Defence and is composed of the Montenegrin Ground Army , the Montenegrin Navy , and the Montenegrin Air Force , along with special forces. Conscription was abolished in The military currently maintains a force of 1, active duty members. The bulk of its equipment and forces were inherited from the armed forces of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro ; as Montenegro contained the entire coastline of the former union, it retained practically the entire naval force. Montenegro applied for a Membership Action Plan on 5 November , which was granted in December Montenegro is also a member of Adriatic Charter. This includes 21 District-level Municipalities and 2 Urban Municipalities, with two subdivisions of Podgorica municipality , listed below. Each municipality can contain multiple cities and towns. Historically, the territory of the country was divided into 'nahije'. The economy of Montenegro is mostly service-based and is in late transition to a market economy. GDP grew at However, Montenegro remained a target for foreign investment , the only country in the Balkans to increase its amount of direct foreign investment. In , the service sector made up The Montenegrin road infrastructure is not yet at Western European standards. Despite an extensive road network, no roads are built to full motorway standards. Construction of new motorways is considered a national priority, as they are important for uniform regional economic development and the development of Montenegro as an attractive tourist destination. Current European routes that pass through Montenegro are E65 and E The backbone of the Montenegrin rail network is the Belgrade—Bar railway , which provides international connection towards Serbia. Montenegro has two international airports, Podgorica Airport and Tivat Airport. The two airports served 1. Montenegro Airlines is the flag carrier of Montenegro. Initially built in , the port was almost completely destroyed during World War II , with reconstruction beginning in Today, it is equipped to handle over 5 million tons of cargo annually, though the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the size of the Montenegrin industrial sector has resulted in the port operating at a loss and well below capacity for several years. The reconstruction of the Belgrade-Bar railway and the proposed Belgrade-Bar motorway are expected to bring the port back up to capacity. Montenegro has both a picturesque coast and a mountainous northern region. The country was a well-known tourist spot in the s. Yet, the Yugoslav wars that were fought in neighbouring countries during the s crippled the tourist industry and damaged the image of Montenegro for years. With a total of 1. National Geographic Traveler edited once a decade ranks Montenegro among the '50 Places of a Lifetime', and the Montenegrin seaside Sveti Stefan was used as the cover for the magazine. Montenegro was also listed by Yahoo Travel among the '10 Top Hot Spots of ' to visit, describing it as being '\[c\]urrently ranked as the second fastest growing tourism market in the world falling just behind China '. It was not until the s that the tourism industry began to recover, and the country has since experienced a high rate of growth in the number of visits and overnight stays. The Government of Montenegro has declared the development of Montenegro as an elite tourist destination a top priority. It is a national strategy to make tourism a major contributor to the Montenegrin economy. A number of steps were taken to attract foreign investors. According to the census, Montenegro has , citizens. If the methodology used up to had been adopted in the census, Montenegro would officially have recorded , citizens. The results of the census show that Montenegro has , citizens. Montenegro is multiethnic state in which no ethnic group forms a majority. The number of 'Montenegrins' and 'Serbs' fluctuates widely from census to census due to changes in how people perceive, experience, or choose to express, their identity and ethnic affiliation. Ethnic composition according to the official data: \[73\]. The official language in Montenegro is Montenegrin. Also, Serbian , Bosnian , Albanian and Croatian are recognized in usage. Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian are mutually intelligible , all being standard varieties of Serbo-Croatian language. Montenegrin is the plurality mother-tongue of the population under 18 years of age. According to the Census the following languages are spoken in the country: \[73\]. Montenegro has been historically at the crossroads of multiculturalism and over centuries this has shaped its unique form of co-existence between Muslim and Christian populations. The Montenegrin Orthodox Church was recently founded and is followed by a small minority of Montenegrins although it is not in communion with any other Christian Orthodox Church as it has not been officially recognized. Despite tensions between religious groups during the Bosnian War , Montenegro remained fairly stable, mainly due its population having a historic perspective on religious tolerance and faith diversity. Religious determination according to the census: \[73\]. Education starts in either pre-schools or elementary schools. Higher education lasts with a certain first degree after 3 to 6 years. Elementary education in Montenegro is free and compulsory for all the children between the ages of 7 and 15 when children attend the 'eight-year school'. Various types of elementary education are available to all who qualify, but the vocational and technical schools gymnasiums , where the students follow four-year course which will take them up to the university entrance, are the most popular. At the secondary level there are a number of art schools, apprentice schools and teacher training schools. Those who have attended the technical schools may pursue their education further at one of two-year post-secondary schools, created in response to the needs of industry and the social services. Secondary schools are divided in three types, and children attend one depending on choice and primary school grades:. The culture of Montenegro has been shaped by a variety of influences throughout history. The influence of Orthodox, Ottoman Turk , Slavic, Central European, and seafaring Adriatic cultures notably parts of Italy, like the Republic of Venice have been the most important in recent centuries. Montenegro has many significant cultural and historical sites, including heritage sites from the pre- Romanesque , Gothic and Baroque periods. The Montenegrin coastal region is especially well known for its religious monuments, including the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon in Kotor \[85\] Cattaro under the Venetians , the basilica of St. Medieval monasteries contain a number of artistically important frescoes. The American author Rex Stout wrote a long series of detective novels featuring his fictional creation Nero Wolfe , who was born in Montenegro. The media of Montenegro refers to mass media outlets based in Montenegro. Television, magazines, and newspapers are all operated by both state-owned and for-profit corporations which depend on advertising, subscription , and other sales-related revenues. The Constitution of Montenegro guarantees freedom of speech. It is a variation of Mediterranean and Oriental. Montenegrin cuisine also varies geographically; the cuisine in the coastal area differs from the one in the northern highland region. The coastal area is traditionally a representative of Mediterranean cuisine , with seafood being a common dish, while the northern represents more the Oriental. The Sports in Montenegro revolves mostly around team sports, such as football , basketball , water polo , volleyball , and handball. Other sports involved are boxing , tennis , swimming, judo , karate , athletics , table tennis , and chess. The most popular sport is football. Montenegrin national football team , founded at , played in playoffs for UEFA Euro , which is the biggest success in the history of national team. Water polo is often considered the national sport. The Montenegro national basketball team is also known for good performances and had won a lot of medals in the past as part of the Yugoslavia national basketball team. Montenegro participated on two Eurobaskets until now. Among women sports, the national handball team is the most successful, having won the European Championship and finishing as runners-up at the Summer Olympics. Following this defeat the team won against Norway in the final of the European Championship , becoming champions for the first time. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the country in Europe. For other uses, see Montenegro disambiguation. For other uses, see Crna Gora disambiguation. Republic in the Balkans. Crna Gora Црна Гора. Coat of arms. Adopted unilaterally ; Montenegro is not a formal member of the Eurozone. Main article: History of Montenegro. Main article: Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro. Main articles: Principality of Montenegro and Kingdom of Montenegro. Main article: Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Main articles: Serbia and Montenegro and Republic of Montenegro — Main articles: Serbia and Montenegro and Montenegrin independence referendum, See also: —20 Montenegrin crisis. Main article: Geography of Montenegro. Main article: Politics of Montenegro. See also: Foreign relations of Montenegro. See also: National symbols of Montenegro. Main article: Armed Forces of Montenegro. Main articles: Municipalities of Montenegro and List of regions of Montenegro. Main article: List of cities in Montenegro. Largest cities or towns in Montenegro census \[60\]. Main article: Economy of Montenegro. Main article: Transport in Montenegro. Main article: Tourism in Montenegro. Main articles: Demographics of Montenegro and Demographic history of Montenegro. Ethnic groups census. Main article: Languages of Montenegro. Languages census. Main article: Religion in Montenegro. Main article: Education in Montenegro. Main article: Culture of Montenegro. Main article: Media of Montenegro. Main article: Montenegrin cuisine. Main article: Sport in Montenegro. Main article: Public holidays in Montenegro. The Republic of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence on 17 February , but Serbia continues to claim it as part of its own sovereign territory. The two governments began to normalise relations in , as part of the Brussels Agreement. Kosovo is currently recognized as an independent state by 97 out of the United Nations member states. In total, UN member states recognized Kosovo at some point, of which 15 later withdrew their recognition. Constitution of Montenegro. The official language in Montenegro shall be Montenegrin. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet shall be equal. Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian and Croatian shall also be in the official use. Retrieved 12 July International Monetary Fund. October Retrieved 28 January Retrieved 30 March United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 10 December Cambridge University Press. East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, — University of Washington Press. University of Michigan Press. Retrieved 27 June V, Date: 26 September '. Archived from the original on 20 August Archived from the original on 16 January Retrieved 7 December The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina'. United Nations. Archived from the original PDF on 3 April Godine Bosnjaci. BBC News. Retrieved 11 September Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. Foreign Policy. The Washington Times. Associated Press. Archived from the original on 7 November Retrieved 8 November Germany: Deutsche Welle. The Wall Street Journal. United States. United Kingdom: BBC. Politico , 23 May Retrieved 2 June The New York Times. Retrieved 5 January Balkan Insight. Voice of America. RT International. Retrieved 20 January Politika Online. Retrieved 2 March N1 Srbija in Serbian. Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro. Archived from the original PDF on 26 March Archived from the original on 21 September Barnes 25 May Retrieved 25 May Archived from the original on 11 May Retrieved 7 September Archived from the original on 20 May Retrieved 20 May ABC News. Archived from the original on 7 June Retrieved 5 June Archived from the original on 25 July Statistical office, Montenegro. European Commission. Retrieved 1 February Report for Selected Countries and Subjects'. April Reuters India 10 December Retrieved 14 December Archived from the original on 14 May Archived from the original PDF on 11 May The Daily Telegraph. National Geographic. Archived from the original on 29 March Lonely Planet. Archived from the original on 5 June Archived from the original on 10 July December Archived from the original PDF on 30 August Retrieved 24 January Joshua Project. Retrieved 8 July Retrieved 2 April IOS Press. Department Of State. Diane Publishing. Archived from the original on 21 December The University of Michigan Press. New York: Columbia University Press. Banac, Ivo. Municipalities of Montenegro. Regions in Montenegro. Ethnic groups of Montenegro. See also Demographics Demographic history. Universities in Montenegro. University of Montenegro. University Donja Gorica University Mediteran. Links to related articles. Sovereign states and dependencies of Europe. States with limited recognition. Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Svalbard unincorporated area subject to the Svalbard Treaty. Balkan Peninsula countries. Serbia Greece Croatia. Romania Slovenia Turkey. Council of Europe. Czechoslovakia — Saar assoc. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Enlargement and partners of the European Union. Switzerland relations. Russia relations. Current membership Criteria Withdrawal. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Coat of arms. Montenegrin national \[1\] Serbian , Bosnian , Albanian , Croatian in official use \[2\]. Latin , Cyrillic. Unitary dominant-party parliamentary constitutional republic. Regions of Montenegro—designed purely for the statistical purposes by the Statistical Office—have no administrative use. Note that other organization i. Football Association of Montenegro use different municipalities as a part of similar ' regions '. Bijelo Polje Municipality. Andrijevica Municipality. Old Royal Capital Cetinje. Danilovgrad Municipality. Podgorica Capital City. Herceg Novi Municipality. Herceg Novi Pljevlja. Pljevlja Municipality. Bar Municipality. Cetinje Municipality. Budva Municipality. Berane Municipality. Ulcinj Municipality. Muslims by nationality. Serbo - Montenegrins. Montenegrins - Serbs. Serbo - Montenegrin. Montenegrin - Serbian. Croatian - Serbian. Eastern Orthodox. Orthodox Christmas. Independence Day. Denmark Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark.

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Монтенегро – это итальянизированное название Черногории. Страна находится в Юго-Восточной Европе, на западе Балканского полуострова. Независимой стала в г., а до этого была в составе конфедеративного Государственного Союза Сербии и Черногории.  Монтенегро, Црна Гора или просто Черная Гора – все это названия одной из самых маленьких европейских стран – Черногории.

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It borders Bosnia-Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia to the northeast, Kosovo \\\\[a\\\\] to the east, Albania to the southeast, the Adriatic Sea to the southwest, and Croatia to the west. Montenegro has an area of 13, square kilometres and a population of , census. Its capital, Podgorica , is one of the twenty-three municipalities in the country. Cetinje is designated as the Old Royal Capital. During the Early Medieval period, three principalities were located on the territory of modern-day Montenegro: Duklja , roughly corresponding to the southern half; Travunia , the west; and Rascia proper, the north. In , the country became a kingdom. After World War I , it became part of Yugoslavia. Following the breakup of Yugoslavia , the republics of Serbia and Montenegro together established a federation known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia , which was renamed to the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in On the basis of an independence referendum held in May , Montenegro declared independence and the federation peacefully dissolved on 3 June of that year, ending a nearly year union between the two states. Since , the state of Montenegro has been governed by the Democratic Party of Socialists and its minor coalition partners. It is a founding member of the Union for the Mediterranean. The first mention of Montenegro as Monte nigro dates to 9 November in a papal epistle and the others date to , , , , , , and The native name Crna Gora, also meaning 'black mountain,' came to denote the majority of contemporary Montenegro in the 15th century. Its borders have changed little since then, losing Metohija and gaining the Bay of Kotor. This name was briefly kept after declaration of independence. Since 22 October , upon adopting the constitution, the name of the country became simply known as Montenegro. In the 9th century, three Slavic principalities were located on the territory of Montenegro: Duklja , roughly corresponding to the southern half, Travunia , the west, and Rascia , the north. Over the next few decades, it expanded its territory to neighbouring Rascia and Bosnia, and also became recognised as a kingdom. Its power started declining at the beginning of the 12th century. By the 13th century, Zeta had replaced Duklja when referring to the realm. As the nobility fought for the throne, the kingdom was weakened, and by , it was conquered by Stefan Nemanja and incorporated into the Serbian realm as a province named Zeta. For a short time, Montenegro existed as a separate autonomous sanjak in — Sanjak of Montenegro. Also, Old Herzegovina region was part of Sanjak of Herzegovina. Large portions fell under the control of the Ottoman Empire from to In the 16th century, Montenegro developed a unique form of autonomy within the Ottoman Empire permitting Montenegrin clans freedom from certain restrictions. Nevertheless, the Montenegrins were disgruntled with Ottoman rule, and in the 17th century, raised numerous rebellions, which culminated in the defeat of the Ottomans in the Great Turkish War at the end of that century. Montenegro consisted of territories controlled by warlike clans. Most clans had a chieftain knez , who was not permitted to assume the title unless he proved to be as worthy a leader as his predecessor. The great assembly of Montenegrin clans Zbor was held every year on 12 July in Cetinje, and any adult clansman could take part. However, the Venetian Republic introduced governors who meddled in Montenegrin politics. His predecessor Petar I contributed to the unification of Montenegro with the Highlands. Under Nicholas I ruled , the principality was enlarged several times in the Montenegro-Turkish Wars and was recognised as independent in Nicholas I established diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire. Minor border skirmishes excepted, diplomacy ushered in about 30 years of peace between the two states until the deposition of Abdul Hamid II in In one of the major Montenegrin victories over the Ottomans occurred at the Battle of Grahovac. The glory of Montenegrin victory was soon immortalized in the songs and literature of all the South Slavs, in particular the Montenegrins in Vojvodina, \\\\[ citation needed \\\\] then part of Austria-Hungary. From to October Austria-Hungary occupied Montenegro. During the occupation, King Nicholas fled the country and a government-in-exile was set up in Bordeaux. In a further restructuring in , it became a part of a larger Zeta Banate of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia that reached the Neretva River. Zeta Banovina was one of nine banovinas which formed the kingdom; it consisted of the present-day Montenegro and parts of Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia. Italian forces occupied Montenegro and established it as a puppet Kingdom of Montenegro. In May, the Montenegrin branch of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia started preparations for an uprising planned for mid-July. The Communist Party and its Youth League organised 6, of its members into detachments prepared for guerrilla warfare. The first armed uprising in Nazi -occupied Europe happened on 13 July in Montenegro. Unexpectedly, the uprising took hold, and by 20 July, 32, men and women had joined the fight. In a month of fighting, the Italian army suffered 5, dead, wounded, and captured. The uprising lasted until mid-August, when it was suppressed by a counter-offensive of 67, Italian troops brought in from Albania. Faced with new and overwhelming Italian forces, many of the fighters laid down their arms and returned home. Nevertheless, intense guerrilla fighting lasted until December. Fighters who remained under arms fractured into two groups. War broke out between Partisans and Chetniks during the first half of Fighting between Partisans and Chetniks continued through the war. Chetniks with Italian backing controlled most of the country from mid to April Montenegrin Chetniks received the status of 'anti-communist militia' and received weapons, ammunition, food rations, and money from Italy. Most of them were moved to Mostar , where they fought in the Battle of Neretva against the Partisans, but were dealt a heavy defeat. During the German operation Schwartz against the Partisans in May and June , Germans disarmed large number of Chetniks without fighting, as they feared they would turn against them in case of an Allied invasion of the Balkans. After the capitulation of Italy in September , Partisans managed to take hold of most of Montenegro for a brief time, but Montenegro was soon occupied by German forces , and fierce fighting continued during late and entire Montenegro was liberated by the Partisans in December After the war, the infrastructure of Yugoslavia was rebuilt, industrialization began, and the University of Montenegro was established. Greater autonomy was established until the Socialist Republic of Montenegro ratified a new constitution in The referendum was boycotted by the Muslim, Albanian, and Catholic minorities, as well as the pro-independence Montenegrins. The opponents claimed that the poll was organized under anti- democratic conditions with widespread propaganda from the state-controlled media in favour of a pro-federation vote. No impartial report on the fairness of the referendum was made, as it was unmonitored, unlike in a later referendum when European Union observers were present. During the — Bosnian War and Croatian War , Montenegrin police and military forces joined Serbian troops in the attacks on Dubrovnik , Croatia. Montenegrin General Pavle Strugar was convicted for his part in the bombing of Dubrovnik. Montenegro formed its own economic policy and adopted the German Deutsche Mark as its currency and subsequently adopted the euro , although not part of the Eurozone currency union. Subsequent governments pursued pro-independence policies, and political tensions with Serbia simmered despite the political changes in Belgrade. Targets in Montenegro were bombed by NATO forces during Operation Allied Force in , although the extent of these attacks was very limited in both time and area affected. In , Serbia and Montenegro came to a new agreement for continued cooperation and entered into negotiations regarding the future status of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Belgrade Agreement also contained a provision delaying any future referendum on the independence of Montenegro for at least three years. The status of the union between Montenegro and Serbia was decided by a referendum on Montenegrin independence on 21 May A total of , votes were cast, representing The IROM—in its preliminary report—'assessed compliance of the referendum process with OSCE commitments, Council of Europe commitments, other international standards for democratic electoral processes, and domestic legislation. On 3 June , the Montenegrin Parliament declared the independence of Montenegro, \\\\[25\\\\] formally confirming the result of the referendum. It rehabilitated the Royal House of Montenegro and recognized limited symbolic roles within the constitutional framework of the republic. Montenegro has been in negotiations with the EU since In , the earlier goal of acceding by \\\\[35\\\\] was revised to As of late December , the newly adopted Law on Religion, which de jure transfers the ownership of church buildings and estates built before from the Serbian Orthodox Church to the Montenegrin state, \\\\[39\\\\] \\\\[40\\\\] sparked a series of large \\\\[41\\\\] protests followed with road blockages. Montenegro ranges from high peaks along its borders with Serbia, Kosovo , and Albania, a segment of the Karst of the western Balkan Peninsula, to a narrow coastal plain that is only 1. The mountains of Montenegro include some of the most rugged terrain in Europe, averaging more than 2, metres 6, feet in elevation. Owing to the hyperhumid climate on their western sides, the Montenegrin mountain ranges were among the most ice-eroded parts of the Balkan Peninsula during the last glacial period. The diversity of the geological base, landscape, climate, and soil, and the position of Montenegro on the Balkan Peninsula and Adriatic Sea, created the conditions for high biological diversity, putting Montenegro among the 'hot-spots' of European and world biodiversity. The number of species per area unit index in Montenegro is 0. The Constitution of Montenegro describes the state as a ' civic , democratic, ecological state of social justice , based on the reign of Law. The President of Montenegro Montenegrin : Predsjednik Crne Gore is the head of state , elected for a period of five years through direct elections. The President represents the country abroad, promulgates laws by ordinance, calls elections for the Parliament , and proposes candidates for Prime Minister , president and justices of the Constitutional Court to the Parliament. The President also proposes the calling of a referendum to Parliament, grants amnesty for criminal offences prescribed by the national law, confers decoration and awards and performs other constitutional duties and is a member of the Supreme Defence Council. The official residence of the President is in Cetinje. The government is headed by the Prime Minister , and consists of the deputy prime ministers as well as ministers. It passes laws, ratifies treaties, appoints the Prime Minister, ministers, and justices of all courts, adopts the budget and performs other duties as established by the Constitution. Parliament can pass a vote of no-confidence in the Government by a simple majority. One representative is elected per 6, voters. The present parliament contains 81 seats, with 39 seats held by the Coalition for a European Montenegro after the parliamentary election. After the promulgation of the Declaration of Independence in the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro on 3 June , following the independence referendum held on 21 May, the Government of the Republic of Montenegro assumed the competences of defining and conducting the foreign policy of Montenegro as a subject of international law and a sovereign state. The implementation of this constitutional responsibility was vested in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , which was given the task of defining the foreign policy priorities and activities needed for their implementation. These activities are pursued in close cooperation with other state administration authorities, the President, the Speaker of the Parliament, and other relevant stakeholders. This process will remain in the focus of Montenegrin foreign policy in the short term. The second strategic and equally important goal, but one attainable in a shorter time span, was joining NATO , which would guarantee stability and security for pursuing other strategic goals. An official flag of Montenegro , based on the royal standard of King Nicholas I , was adopted on 12 July by the Montenegrin legislature. On the current flag, the border and arms are in gold and the royal cipher in the centre of the arms has been replaced with a golden lion. The national day of 13 July marks the date in when the Congress of Berlin recognized Montenegro as the 27th independent state in the world \\\\[55\\\\] and the start of one of the first popular uprisings in Europe against the Axis Powers on 13 July in Montenegro. In , the Montenegrin legislature selected a popular Montenegrin traditional song, ' Oh, Bright Dawn of May ', as the national anthem. The military of Montenegro is a fully professional standing army under the Ministry of Defence and is composed of the Montenegrin Ground Army , the Montenegrin Navy , and the Montenegrin Air Force , along with special forces. Conscription was abolished in The military currently maintains a force of 1, active duty members. The bulk of its equipment and forces were inherited from the armed forces of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro ; as Montenegro contained the entire coastline of the former union, it retained practically the entire naval force. Montenegro applied for a Membership Action Plan on 5 November , which was granted in December Montenegro is also a member of Adriatic Charter. This includes 21 District-level Municipalities and 2 Urban Municipalities, with two subdivisions of Podgorica municipality , listed below. Each municipality can contain multiple cities and towns. Historically, the territory of the country was divided into 'nahije'. The economy of Montenegro is mostly service-based and is in late transition to a market economy. GDP grew at However, Montenegro remained a target for foreign investment , the only country in the Balkans to increase its amount of direct foreign investment. In , the service sector made up The Montenegrin road infrastructure is not yet at Western European standards. Despite an extensive road network, no roads are built to full motorway standards. Construction of new motorways is considered a national priority, as they are important for uniform regional economic development and the development of Montenegro as an attractive tourist destination. Current European routes that pass through Montenegro are E65 and E The backbone of the Montenegrin rail network is the Belgrade—Bar railway , which provides international connection towards Serbia. Montenegro has two international airports, Podgorica Airport and Tivat Airport. The two airports served 1. Montenegro Airlines is the flag carrier of Montenegro. Initially built in , the port was almost completely destroyed during World War II , with reconstruction beginning in Today, it is equipped to handle over 5 million tons of cargo annually, though the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the size of the Montenegrin industrial sector has resulted in the port operating at a loss and well below capacity for several years. The reconstruction of the Belgrade-Bar railway and the proposed Belgrade-Bar motorway are expected to bring the port back up to capacity. Montenegro has both a picturesque coast and a mountainous northern region. The country was a well-known tourist spot in the s. Yet, the Yugoslav wars that were fought in neighbouring countries during the s crippled the tourist industry and damaged the image of Montenegro for years. With a total of 1. National Geographic Traveler edited once a decade ranks Montenegro among the '50 Places of a Lifetime', and the Montenegrin seaside Sveti Stefan was used as the cover for the magazine. Montenegro was also listed by Yahoo Travel among the '10 Top Hot Spots of ' to visit, describing it as being '\\\\[c\\\\]urrently ranked as the second fastest growing tourism market in the world falling just behind China '. It was not until the s that the tourism industry began to recover, and the country has since experienced a high rate of growth in the number of visits and overnight stays. The Government of Montenegro has declared the development of Montenegro as an elite tourist destination a top priority. It is a national strategy to make tourism a major contributor to the Montenegrin economy. A number of steps were taken to attract foreign investors. According to the census, Montenegro has , citizens. If the methodology used up to had been adopted in the census, Montenegro would officially have recorded , citizens. The results of the census show that Montenegro has , citizens. Montenegro is multiethnic state in which no ethnic group forms a majority. The number of 'Montenegrins' and 'Serbs' fluctuates widely from census to census due to changes in how people perceive, experience, or choose to express, their identity and ethnic affiliation. Ethnic composition according to the official data: \\\\[73\\\\]. The official language in Montenegro is Montenegrin. Also, Serbian , Bosnian , Albanian and Croatian are recognized in usage. Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian, and Croatian are mutually intelligible , all being standard varieties of Serbo-Croatian language. Montenegrin is the plurality mother-tongue of the population under 18 years of age. According to the Census the following languages are spoken in the country: \\\\[73\\\\]. Montenegro has been historically at the crossroads of multiculturalism and over centuries this has shaped its unique form of co-existence between Muslim and Christian populations. The Montenegrin Orthodox Church was recently founded and is followed by a small minority of Montenegrins although it is not in communion with any other Christian Orthodox Church as it has not been officially recognized. Despite tensions between religious groups during the Bosnian War , Montenegro remained fairly stable, mainly due its population having a historic perspective on religious tolerance and faith diversity. Religious determination according to the census: \\\\[73\\\\]. Education starts in either pre-schools or elementary schools. Higher education lasts with a certain first degree after 3 to 6 years. Elementary education in Montenegro is free and compulsory for all the children between the ages of 7 and 15 when children attend the 'eight-year school'. Various types of elementary education are available to all who qualify, but the vocational and technical schools gymnasiums , where the students follow four-year course which will take them up to the university entrance, are the most popular. At the secondary level there are a number of art schools, apprentice schools and teacher training schools. Those who have attended the technical schools may pursue their education further at one of two-year post-secondary schools, created in response to the needs of industry and the social services. Secondary schools are divided in three types, and children attend one depending on choice and primary school grades:. The culture of Montenegro has been shaped by a variety of influences throughout history. The influence of Orthodox, Ottoman Turk , Slavic, Central European, and seafaring Adriatic cultures notably parts of Italy, like the Republic of Venice have been the most important in recent centuries. Montenegro has many significant cultural and historical sites, including heritage sites from the pre- Romanesque , Gothic and Baroque periods. The Montenegrin coastal region is especially well known for its religious monuments, including the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon in Kotor \\\\[85\\\\] Cattaro under the Venetians , the basilica of St. Medieval monasteries contain a number of artistically important frescoes. The American author Rex Stout wrote a long series of detective novels featuring his fictional creation Nero Wolfe , who was born in Montenegro. The media of Montenegro refers to mass media outlets based in Montenegro. Television, magazines, and newspapers are all operated by both state-owned and for-profit corporations which depend on advertising, subscription , and other sales-related revenues. The Constitution of Montenegro guarantees freedom of speech. It is a variation of Mediterranean and Oriental. Montenegrin cuisine also varies geographically; the cuisine in the coastal area differs from the one in the northern highland region. The coastal area is traditionally a representative of Mediterranean cuisine , with seafood being a common dish, while the northern represents more the Oriental. The Sports in Montenegro revolves mostly around team sports, such as football , basketball , water polo , volleyball , and handball. Other sports involved are boxing , tennis , swimming, judo , karate , athletics , table tennis , and chess. The most popular sport is football. Montenegrin national football team , founded at , played in playoffs for UEFA Euro , which is the biggest success in the history of national team. Water polo is often considered the national sport. The Montenegro national basketball team is also known for good performances and had won a lot of medals in the past as part of the Yugoslavia national basketball team. Montenegro participated on two Eurobaskets until now. Among women sports, the national handball team is the most successful, having won the European Championship and finishing as runners-up at the Summer Olympics. Following this defeat the team won against Norway in the final of the European Championship , becoming champions for the first time. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the country in Europe. For other uses, see Montenegro disambiguation. For other uses, see Crna Gora disambiguation. Republic in the Balkans. Crna Gora Црна Гора. Coat of arms. Adopted unilaterally ; Montenegro is not a formal member of the Eurozone. Main article: History of Montenegro. Main article: Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro. Main articles: Principality of Montenegro and Kingdom of Montenegro. Main article: Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Main articles: Serbia and Montenegro and Republic of Montenegro — Main articles: Serbia and Montenegro and Montenegrin independence referendum, See also: —20 Montenegrin crisis. Main article: Geography of Montenegro. Main article: Politics of Montenegro. See also: Foreign relations of Montenegro. See also: National symbols of Montenegro. Main article: Armed Forces of Montenegro. Main articles: Municipalities of Montenegro and List of regions of Montenegro. Main article: List of cities in Montenegro. Largest cities or towns in Montenegro census \\\\[60\\\\]. Main article: Economy of Montenegro. Main article: Transport in Montenegro. Main article: Tourism in Montenegro. Main articles: Demographics of Montenegro and Demographic history of Montenegro. Ethnic groups census. Main article: Languages of Montenegro. Languages census. Main article: Religion in Montenegro. Main article: Education in Montenegro. Main article: Culture of Montenegro. Main article: Media of Montenegro. Main article: Montenegrin cuisine. Main article: Sport in Montenegro. Main article: Public holidays in Montenegro. The Republic of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence on 17 February , but Serbia continues to claim it as part of its own sovereign territory. The two governments began to normalise relations in , as part of the Brussels Agreement. Kosovo is currently recognized as an independent state by 97 out of the United Nations member states. In total, UN member states recognized Kosovo at some point, of which 15 later withdrew their recognition. Constitution of Montenegro. The official language in Montenegro shall be Montenegrin. Latin and Cyrillic alphabet shall be equal. Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian and Croatian shall also be in the official use. Retrieved 12 July International Monetary Fund. October Retrieved 28 January Retrieved 30 March United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 10 December Cambridge University Press. East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, — University of Washington Press. University of Michigan Press. Retrieved 27 June V, Date: 26 September '. Archived from the original on 20 August Archived from the original on 16 January Retrieved 7 December The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina'. United Nations. Archived from the original PDF on 3 April Godine Bosnjaci. BBC News. Retrieved 11 September Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project. Foreign Policy. The Washington Times. Associated Press. Archived from the original on 7 November Retrieved 8 November Germany: Deutsche Welle. The Wall Street Journal. United States. United Kingdom: BBC. Politico , 23 May Retrieved 2 June The New York Times. Retrieved 5 January Balkan Insight. Voice of America. RT International. Retrieved 20 January Politika Online. Retrieved 2 March N1 Srbija in Serbian. Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro. Archived from the original PDF on 26 March Archived from the original on 21 September Barnes 25 May Retrieved 25 May Archived from the original on 11 May Retrieved 7 September Archived from the original on 20 May Retrieved 20 May ABC News. Archived from the original on 7 June Retrieved 5 June Archived from the original on 25 July Statistical office, Montenegro. European Commission. Retrieved 1 February Report for Selected Countries and Subjects'. April Reuters India 10 December Retrieved 14 December Archived from the original on 14 May Archived from the original PDF on 11 May The Daily Telegraph. National Geographic. Archived from the original on 29 March Lonely Planet. Archived from the original on 5 June Archived from the original on 10 July December Archived from the original PDF on 30 August Retrieved 24 January Joshua Project. Retrieved 8 July Retrieved 2 April IOS Press. Department Of State. Diane Publishing. Archived from the original on 21 December The University of Michigan Press. New York: Columbia University Press. Banac, Ivo. Municipalities of Montenegro. Regions in Montenegro. Ethnic groups of Montenegro. See also Demographics Demographic history. Universities in Montenegro. University of Montenegro. University Donja Gorica University Mediteran. Links to related articles. Sovereign states and dependencies of Europe. States with limited recognition. Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Svalbard unincorporated area subject to the Svalbard Treaty. Balkan Peninsula countries. Serbia Greece Croatia. Romania Slovenia Turkey. Council of Europe. Czechoslovakia — Saar assoc. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Enlargement and partners of the European Union. Switzerland relations. Russia relations. Current membership Criteria Withdrawal. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Flag Coat of arms. Montenegrin national \\\\[1\\\\] Serbian , Bosnian , Albanian , Croatian in official use \\\\[2\\\\]. Latin , Cyrillic. Unitary dominant-party parliamentary constitutional republic. Regions of Montenegro—designed purely for the statistical purposes by the Statistical Office—have no administrative use. Note that other organization i. Football Association of Montenegro use different municipalities as a part of similar ' regions '. Bijelo Polje Municipality. Andrijevica Municipality. Old Royal Capital Cetinje. Danilovgrad Municipality. Podgorica Capital City. Herceg Novi Municipality. Herceg Novi Pljevlja. Pljevlja Municipality. Bar Municipality. Cetinje Municipality. Budva Municipality. Berane Municipality. Ulcinj Municipality. Muslims by nationality. Serbo - Montenegrins. Montenegrins - Serbs. Serbo - Montenegrin. Montenegrin - Serbian. Croatian - Serbian. Eastern Orthodox. Orthodox Christmas. Independence Day. Denmark Faroe Islands 1 autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark.

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