Monday Full Movie In Hindi 720p

Monday Full Movie In Hindi 720p


Monday Full Movie In Hindi 720p

A salaryman wakes up in a posh hotel room, totally clueless about how he got there. Slowly, he recalls what happened a day before - attending a funeral, dating but annoying his girlfriend, getting drunk in a pub and getting to know a yakuza and his beautiful mistress, having a gun in his hand and...
A simple funeral turns a man's world topsy turvy.
This film that opened the Sabu retrospective at New York&#39;s Japan Society and was a real blast.<br/><br/>Sabu&#39;s fourth film is a kick in the pants. It&#39;s a film that starts off with a salary man waking up in a hotel room, unsure of how he got there. He then begins to remember back... it started at the funeral...moved on the bar....then continued on past the Yakuza...<br/><br/>I&#39;ve already told you too much because as with all of Sabu&#39;s films, the plot isn&#39;t the point, its the connections to the things we don&#39;t realize that are important. I don&#39;t want to say anything about what happens but the funeral becomes one of the funniest ever put on screen and the dancing puts to shame the much heralded Tavolta/Thurmond pairing in Pulp Fiction.<br/><br/>I really like this movie a great deal. I suspect that it&#39;s going to hang with me for a few days before I can really find out how I feel about it. Its a film that has lots of stuff going on behind it&#39;s eyes as it were.<br/><br/>If you can find a copy or see it at some screening I suggest you do so. Its further proof that Sabu is one the best filmmakers working today.
&quot;Falling down&quot; in Japanese: a young salaryman, utterly drunk, had murdered four people - gangsters all of them, but that&#39;s no excuse. Days later, as he wakes up in a hotel room, he has no remembrance of what happened. With his brain restarting, he begins to call up the pictures of the dreadful night. This ist the strongest part of the film, almost two third of it. The scenes in the night club, the dance with the beautiful white Yazuka bride, and his first steps becoming a mass murder, are full of magnificent ideas and pictures. The action and the atmosphere comes from Tarantino school while the minimalistic silver-blue photography resembles Kitano a lot. The problem of the film is, that he doesn&#39;t know, how to bring the story to a neat end. Shall we believe, that this harmless man kills some guys of the special police forces, which advance to his hotel room? Can we understand his behaviour after he took the chief inspector as hostage? Are these phantasies of almightiness not too much of Tarantino? Some scenes seem as if the director wants to gain minutes in order to fill the hundred minutes. The film should had come to an end, when the &quot;tragic analysis&quot; finished, that is when the hero noticed that the police had surrounded the building. Because of this incoherence it is not even a good movie, despite of the strengths especially in the scenery and the photography.


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