Mom 2 Boys

Mom 2 Boys


Raising boys one adventure at a time
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Summer is here (yay!), and that often means planning a fun family vacation with our boys to a new and exciting destination. Or does it? We always enjoy getting away as a family and visiting new locations, but we’ve also enjoyed plenty of fantastic summer staycations that our boys have loved.
What exactly is a staycation? The details can vary for each family, but basically, it’s a wonderful and inexpensive way to spend time as a family, enjoying all that your hometown has to offer. And in some cases, you never have to leave your house!
There are many benefits to creating a summer staycation bucket list. Here are our top five:
A summer staycation bucket also list helps eliminate the “I’m bored” syndrome that kids often experience during school breaks. Even if we can’t leave the house on a particular day, we always have other options to choose from like board games, jigsaw puzzles, or movie marathons.
Our boys are teenagers now but we’ve been doing summer staycations since they were preschoolers. As they aged, our kids’ interests changed but there were still plenty of options for summer staycation bucket list activities. Of course, depending on the ages of your children, the choices you make for your summer staycation will vary.
We found that the best way to create a summer staycation bucket list is to create an actual “bucket” list. When our boys were in preschool, a neighbor started a tradition with her girls that inspired us to do the same.
When coming up with the list of activities that we wanted to do during our staycation, instead of writing them down on paper, we wrote each activity on a clothespin and clipped it to the top of a bucket. Hence the name “bucket list”.
It’s an inexpensive and fun way for the whole family to get together and create a list of staycation activities you’d like to do each year.
Provide each child with his/her allotted number of clothespins and a permanent marker. It’s up to you to decide how many clothespins each child will receive. *Note – for younger children who haven’t yet learned to write/spell, you may want to complete the next step for them.
Each child will write one activity on each of their clothespins. It’s a good idea to discuss each idea as a group before writing them on clothespins to avoid duplication and to ensure that the activities they choose are do-able and affordable. (We learned this the hard way!)
Once you have written all on all of the clothespins, you will need to decide how you will categorize your clothespins. In the next step, you will be color coding each clothespin with the colored markers based on category. We chose to categorize our activities by the amount of time needed to complete each activity. Our three categories were 1) within an hour, 2) a half-day, and 3) a full-day or more. You could also separate your clothespins by cost (free, less than $10 or more than $10), or you could categorize them in whatever way works for you. It’s your bucket list, so it’s up to you!
Once you determine your categories, you will use the colored markers to color code each category. In our case, for any activity that required an hour or less to complete, we colored the flat edge of the clothespin green. For activities that took up to one half-day of time, we colored those blue. For those that took a full day or more, we made those red.
It’s up to your family how you decorate your bucket. Some years we added stickers. Other years we just wrote on the bucket with markers. We always included the current year on our bucket so when we look back at photos later, we will remember what we did each year.
Once all of your clothespins have activities written on them and are color-coded by category, your kids can clip the clothespins to the bucket. It is super colorful and festive when it’s complete.
To make it fair for our boys, when it is time to choose a staycation activity, they alternate taking turns. Because we categorize our activities by amount of time needed, whenever we have an hour or so to fill, we would ask our boys to go to the bucket and choose a green clothespin. Sometimes we have to adjust our choice due to weather and/or budget but most of the time it works just fine.
When we know we will have a longer block of time, depending on whose turn it is, our boys will go to the bucket and pick either a blue or red clothespin corresponding to the time available. It’s a lot of fun to anticipate and guess which activity will be chosen!
After we complete an activity, we drop the clothespin into the bucket. Then at the end of the summer, we dump the clothespins out of the bucket and reminisce about all of the fun we’ve had. We also make a note of the clothespins we want to repeat the following summer.
At first, it might feel a bit overwhelming to create a summer staycation bucket list. There are so many great activities to do inside and outside the home. Each year we first sit down to create our summer staycation bucket list we are reminded that summer will fly by quickly (doesn’t it always?) So we do our best to prioritise those activities that we REALLY want to do that year. It’s not easy but it’s always worth it.
We typically give our boys 12 clothespins each and suggest that they choose four activities in each of the three categories. That way, they would both have opportunities to decide what we’d do no matter how much or how little time we had available.
We live in central Florida, which means that some days are too stinking hot or too rainy to be outside all day. Luckily, we have plenty of inside activities on our list.
Our boys are less than two years apart in age, so it isn’t too hard to find activities that are fun and relevant to both. When creating your summer staycation bucket list, you may want to try to come up with ideas that will be enjoyable for all those in your family. If you have kiddos that range in age from little ones (who still nap) through teens (who sleep till noon or later), you could come up with separate activities. For example, you could choose activities for the little kids that take place in the morning while the teens are still asleep and conversely select activities for the teens while the littles are napping in the afternoon. The beauty of a staycation bucket list is that you have the flexibility to design it in whatever way works best for your family.
We’ve been making summer bucket lists for many years so I thought I’d share some of our favorites as inspiration for your family as you create your bucket! Below, in no particular order, are our top 5 summer staycation bucket list ideas. Some were part of our bucket list activities when our boys were small, and some are included on our list this summer!
We love camping. If I’m truthful, the other members of my family enjoy camping, and I mostly grin and bear it. I’m a city girl at heart, so for me, my idea of roughing it is staying in a cabin with electricity and running water. I love being outdoors with my family and disconnecting from technology, but I also have a great appreciation for the comforts of home.
So, when we decided to take our boys “camping” during one of our staycations, we decided that we didn’t need to go more than a few steps from our own back door. We purchased a big, roomy 6-person tent, even though we are a family of four, to ensure that there was plenty of room for hanging out, playing games and sleeping inside.
Our “campsite” consisted of our tent set up on our screened in patio, complete with lanterns and sleeping bags. We enjoyed the cool “breeze” from the ceiling fan, and we were camping just steps away from the “mess hall,” (aka kitchen) when we wanted a snack. We’ve also set up camp in our dining room once or twice, which is lovely during those summer nights of blistering heat.
After turning off all the lights in the house so it felt like we were out in the middle of nowhere, we ate hotdogs by the light of our lanterns. Later, we made s’mores over our portable fire pit in the driveway and told ghost stories before turning in at night.
We camped out a lot at home when my boys were young, and for them, it was just as good as trekking out into the woods amidst all of the bugs and wildlife and anything else that might be lurking outside our tent!
One of our favorite ways to spend time together is family movie night. For us, there’s nothing better on a Friday night than planning an evening at home with our bowls of popcorn, an assortment of snacks and cool, refreshing drinks in front of the big screen. During one of our staycations, we decided that we’d extend our movie night into a weekend-long epic movie marathon in the backyard.
We set up our movie projector, hung a bedsheet between two trees and voila, our outdoor theater was ready to go! Each of us took a turn choosing the movies. We watched some of our favorite old classic movies and checked out some new releases, too.
It’s not difficult to set up your own outdoor theater. You can simply hang a bedsheet on your patio, tie it between two trees, or project the movie right onto the wall of your garage. There are several affordable movie projectors available, like this one, so choose the option that’s best for you based on your budget and has the features you need.
Our family has always enjoyed watching cooking shows on television. During one staycation, we decided we would set up our own version of “Chopped.” It’s relatively simple to set up. You can use the ingredients that you already have in your fridge and pantry. First, determine what the main ingredient will be (for example, every dish has to use chocolate as an ingredient). Next, divide up into teams. We usually pair one child with one adult so that we can ensure kitchen safety as well as the ability to complete more challenging tasks. Then, set the timer and off you go! We usually allow 30 minutes per dish, so there is enough time to prep, cook, and serve. At the end of the allotted time, everyone gets to taste the dishes and then vote on which one is the best.
Because we enjoy cooking, we have stocked our kitchen with an assortment of cooking gadgets. You don’t need any fancy appliances or devices to hold your own cooking competition, but some of our boys’ favorites include our mini food processor, our electric skillet, and our smoothie-making blender.
One of our favorite ways to cool off in the summer involves water balloons and lots of them! We usually start off playing a simple game of “catch”. All you need is a bag of balloons, a bucket and a water source like a hose or sink faucet. First, we fill the balloons with water. Next, we divide up into teams of two. Then it’s “game on!” Each team member stands across from his or her partner. The team then tosses the balloons back and forth to each other, taking one step back after each successful catch. The team that catches the most tosses without breaking the balloon wins!
And then of course, when our game has ended, we run to the bucket of balloons and grab more balloons, and an all-out water balloon war ensues. Why is it that I am always the one who ends up soaking wet?
Volunteering is a beautiful way to bond together as a family while giving your time to help those in need. While this may not seem like an obvious activity during a staycation, we feel that it’s essential to teach our boys gratitude and demonstrate the value of giving back to our local community. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available for kids of all ages. When our boys were small, they were able to decorate lunch bags to be used to pack lunches for less fortunate children in our community during the summer. Then, when our boys got older, we signed up to pack food in those lunch bags. A simple online search will provide you with a list of volunteer opportunities in and near your city.
We’d love to hear all about your summer staycation bucket list plans. Please share them with us below so we can add them to our ever-growing list.
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As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, it’s the perfect time to get outside as a family. However, my teens would rather spend time in front of the television, watching an episode of The Office for the umpteenth time or playing video games. This year I’ve come up with a plan and I’m ready to share it with you. Read on for helpful tips and learn about the benefits of planting a garden with your teen.
According to a report from the Pew Research Center, 95% of teens say they have a smartphone or have access to one. Also noted in this report, 45% of teens say they are online on a near-constant basis. Further, roughly nine out of ten boys have access to a game console at home.
These statistics just reinforce the fact that when given the opportunity, our teens will in fact choose to be online, unless, of course, we provide them with a fun and engaging alternative.
A couple of months ago, I proposed to my teens that we plant a fruit and vegetable garden. We had attempted growing vegetables haphazardly in recent years but never really put in the time or effort required to successfully yield a harvest. This year, we decided we’d roll up our sleeves, dig deep (literally and figuratively) and make it happen.
It’s important to note here that we live in central Florida. That means our planting season is earlier than most. So, depending on where you live, your timeline may shift slightly. This handy growing calendar will help you determine your growing zone, which will inform you what to plant and when to plant it in your location. For example, we are located in zone 9, and if we choose to grow lettuce this year, we will need to wait until late September to plant.
The best way to get the whole family excited about planting a garden with your teen is to ensure that everyone gets a say. Let’s face it, teens aren’t exactly the biggest fans of most vegetables. So I knew it would be beneficial to give mine the option to choose vegetables or fruits that they might actually eat.
In addition to determining which produce your family will enjoy, if you are just starting out, you probably want to begin with fruits and vegetables that are fairly easy to grow. This year, based on timing and what our boys preferred, we decided to grow tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, strawberries, baby watermelons, basil, and corn.
You will need to evaluate the space and decide the best location for planting a garden with your teen. This is a great opportunity to get your teens involved in the process. If your kids are kinda nerdy like me, they can try one of the many free online garden planners. And if your teens are Minecraft fans like my son, they can design a garden in Minecraft. Yes, I said it. Minecraft.
I’m a visual person, so I appreciate seeing things plotted out on old fashioned graph paper. It’s really up to you and your family which route you choose. I do recommend paying close attention to how much space each of your plants will need and how far they will spread. We learned the hard way with cucumbers this year that they spread like crazy and take up a LOT of room. They are taking over our garden!
Another great activity to include when planting a garden with your teen is to build a raised bed in your backyard. My husband and sons built a simple raised bed for the cost of a few pressure treated 2x8s in a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon. The satisfaction that they found in designing and building the bed with their own hands made a huge difference in their connection to our garden project. There are plenty of free plans and instructions online for building a raised bed, so do your research and determine what fits your space and your budget.
Florida soil is mostly sand, which makes it challenging to grown anything successfully in the ground, hence the reason for building the raised bed. We measured the area of our garden, dug out the sand/dirt and filled it with organic soil, mixing in plenty of black cow compost.
If you don’t have a space for a garden in your yard, you have plenty of other options. You could plant in containers on a patio or deck. You just need to make sure that your plants get the right amount of sun. We grow our basil in a pot on our patio because I like to keep it nearby so I can easily snip some when I need it for a recipe.
This year, we made the decision to grow our strawberries in an Earth Box. If you aren’t familiar with this amazing invention, the Earth Box is a complete system that makes gardening effortless and is a perfect solution for those who have limited space and/or who may just be getting started. We found that our strawberries grew better, faster and yielded more fruit than in previous years when we grew them in the ground.
When planting a garden with your teen, you don’t need much more than some seeds or seedlings, some dirt, a shovel, and a water source. But if your teens are anything like mine, they love trying out new gadgets and tools. There are a plethora of options to choose from but buying a gardening tool set offers an affordable solution complete with just about everything you need.
As referenced earlier, teens and their screens continue to sabotage the time our kids spend outdoors. Planting a garden with your teen is a fantastic way to get outside into the fresh air, but the benefits of gardening go even further.
Next year, our goal is to try our hand at hydroponic gardening. The word hydroponics comes from two Greek words: “hydro” meaning water and “ponics” meaning labor. Gardening without soil isn’t a new concept but it’s new to us. From what we’ve learned in our research, there are lots of benefits of hydroponic gardening including faster growth rate, greater yield, and a number of benefits to the environment. We are a DIY kind of family and my younger son is obsessed with the mechanics of how things work, so we’re planning to design and build our own hydroponics garden very soon! If your family enjoys DIY, this may be another great way to start planting a garden with your teen.
At the risk of getting sentimental, there are only a few short summers left before our teens head off to college. We try to take advantage of any activity that will enable us to spend more time with our boys.
Planting a garden with your teen provides the chance to connect with your teen for very little investment of time or money. Start with one small container and work your way up from there. Planting a garden with your teen will build a bond and create memories that you’ll cherish for years to come.
Please comment below and let me know if you are thinking about planting a garden with your teen. We certainly aren’t experts but we’d be
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