


Moeco is a decentralized protocol for M2M communication, relying on the ultra-low power and long-range network infrastructure. Imagine cheap, limitless and easily deployable access anywhere, anytime with no extra cost.

Moeco is set to become a unified communication standard to overall lower the costs of data transfer and increase energy efficiency network wide. It focuses on creating a wide network of star-architecture bi-directional networks and over time will accommodate any person or device anywhere with no need for a middle-man provider with complex infrastructure globally.


2.1_Industry summary

Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept based on machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity that has become of the fastest growing markets to date and is expected to increase exponentially over the coming years.  

M2M connectivity has a very different set of limitations and specific traits compared to a traditional cellular network. Overcoming the limitations of battery life, efficiency and wide range communication is a tough challenge. The market addressed it with a Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) specification. 

LPWA has the following advantages: 

  • Long range - 10-20km 
  • Extended battery life – devices last decades
  • Low gateway end costs – less than US $10 per device 
  • Low data rates – typically below 200bps 

The Moeco White paper looks at the chirp spread spectrum unified protocol and infrastructure development tied to a blockchain environment. This is a decentralized system that belongs to its users in an emerging IoT market. Statistics data in the market overview section provides an overlook of continuous market growth.  

2.2_Market overview

M2M Market is forecasted to see significant growth; however different technologies are favored by different researches. The crucial benchmark for Moeco, however, is the number of connections. Cisco's Visual Networking Index confirms the growth of this benchmark showing 933 million connections worldwide by 2019 along with Analysis Mason predicting up to 3 billion connections by 2023. 

Significant variations are predicted for the market size in different technological branches, this is a clear sign of market immaturity (according to "Real Wireless: A compassion of UNB and Spread Spectrum Wireless Technologies as used in LPWA and M2M applications"): 

  • The IoT and supporting M2M markets are completely new and at a formative stage. New technologies, new use cases, new business models, new start-ups, consortia and groupings all emerge regularly  
  • Applications are being deployed, often as small scale pilots, in new and varied environments to test take up, benefits and return on investment  
  • There are a number of competing LPWA offerings which, when combined with the current lack of LPWA standards, makes procurement decisions more difficult and extended with purchasers and end users trying to ensure they avoid a stranded investment 

What is clear however is that LPWA technology is now a serious market player in M2M wireless connectivity alongside cellular, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth and other proprietary solutions. Machina Research’s ‘M2M Global Forecast & Analysis 2014-24’ forecasts LPWA to be 14% of the 27 billion total installed base in 2024 whilst cellular is forecast to be 8% by the same date (Machina M2M Global Forecast & Analysis 2014-24). LPWA systems are therefore likely to be deployed widely with systems operating in close proximity. 



Moeco is a network protocol and infrastructure solution that provides end users with an ability to create internet access points at a low cost and with high power efficiency, up to 15 km coverage radius and bi-directional connectivity. It can be used by any type of compatible connected device.

At an end-user level it's an ever-connected network of access points that covers enormous spaces and keeps your devices working longer and staying connected to each other no matter what while being operational for decades on.

3.2_Current limitations

Ethereum and blockchain present unique qualities to be taken advantage of in the area of mesh-networking and IoT communications. Never the less, a layer of engineering, hardware and incentives should be placed on top to create a valuable change in communications.

Working on the Moeco protocol and devices a number of limitations connected to the current state of technologies was addressed. Most important ones are:  

  • Extremely expensive and wasteful infrastructure - creating a network infrastructure is extremely expensive - there is no way to create sustainable and upgradeable IoT solutions without possessing unnecessarily significant capital. 
  • Expensive data plans – aforementioned hardware and maintenance costs give birth to high price per megabyte of traffic, slowing down the development IoT connectivity.
  • Short range connectivity nodes – Wi-Fi has a good signal strength for tens of meters and 3G and 4G networks depend heavily on availability of towers, which are expensive and wasteful in their use of resources.
  • Lack of a unified solution – every company to develop an IoT connection protocol makes it proprietary. This leads to adding more expenses for the end user as there is no way to use the same connectivity across all connected devices.
  • Implementation difficulties – Per-country certifications, incredibly high costs in materials and man power to create a single connection point or using mobile connectivity for m2m communication through an operator company with their own additional prices and premiums.  


4.1_Main features

This approach to upgrading the network architecture has a few key, market-disrupting advantages:

  • Network architecture – star architecture along with the network of an independent and cheap nodes provides an opportunity to connect multiple types of devices and networks together with no hassle for the end user. 
  • Communication range - 15 km radius for each node with a hardware cost of about 800 USD – lower than a mid-level PC or laptop.
  • Battery lifetime or low power - 3-5 times lifetime advantage over a GSMA network 
  • Robustness to interference – wide range of frequencies provides interference security
  • Network capacity (maximum number of nodes in a network) - utilizing adaptive data-rates and multi-modem transceivers the network is easily scalable and bears little loss of quality in a multi-node situation.
  • Network security – two-layer security: for the network and application, encryption and blockchain to keep it in check.
  • Two-way communication between the devices and network nodes - a device can schedule uplink windows, with any downlink communications waiting until next one, economizing battery. 
  • Variety of applications served - any mix of standards or applications can be used together seamlessly.

4.2_How it works generally

Moeco is a new generation physical layer for mesh-networks with an internet connection with M2M capabilities made to update the internet access worldwide. It utilizes base stations with low cost and high effectiveness to create long-range communication chirp spread spectrum modulation. This provides for unprecedented ranges of up to 15 km. Range while maintaining a possibility of working for decades from a small power source.

While it's not the only network system to utilize this protocol to date, Moeco is based around a 3-layer (long-range star) server architecture, providing an ability to unify any kind of different networks and connection standards using base stations. This provides for extremely high integration possibilities with low end-user costs, high scalability, great connection speed and quality.


Enhancing this architecture principle, Moeco utilizes blockchain and smart contracts to create custom tailored access points and data plans for everyone involved in a decentralized system all around the world.

Blockchain environment is used to hold records of the data exchange along with the data itself, while keeping control of the token balance, distribution and transactions.  

There are four general user levels in the blockchain environment.


The top layer of the community system is the committee. It consists of producers with a large PT share. Acquiring a large number of tokens puts you in a position of influencing the system, but with significant limitations: it is not a governing body, it holds a business dynamics executive role. That means a committee is able to put user concerns to a vote, make decisions on additional token emission and balancing. In case of a vote the protocol will calculate the difference between up- and down-votes for each active committee member and then take the median for making a decision regarding every proposed business parameter required.

A committee is necessary for e decentralized networking system like this as the technology provider (Moeco) should not own the whole decentralized system, it's aim is to provide the technological means. Since previous attempts shown that not all of the decisions can be made decentralized at this stage. Additionally, the committee is a centralized re-emission body. Whenever a device connects – a token is spent. Part of it goes to the miner, everything else is returned to the purchasable pool through the committee’s wallets.

In summary, the committee's responsibilities are:

  • Influencing the token's worth (how many connections ca be purchased with a token - a growing value)
  • Re-emission and token turnover (re-sale of tokens once used based on the availability)
  • Voting on business decisions within the system

4.3.2_Device producer

Next level is a producer. While some of them are a part of the committee, others do not participate in it due to token share and are the main device and purchase transaction providers within the system. They create devices with internal chips that have access to Moeco network protocols. They also put through major transactions to provide enough tokens for every device registration and a number of first connections.

Producer supply the devices compliant with Moeco network properties

A vital part of the community, producer supply the devices compliant with Moeco network properties. For a device to be compliant it requires to include a certain chip. Chop costs are quite low, about 1$ per chip. Every chip has a universal MAC Address that is uploaded to a blockchain and remain tied to that particular producer wallet within the network. Moeco internal coins are freely available on the market.

After that, a device enters the network, with a minimal cost assigned to its first data exchange and the device is forever registered within the network.

Blockchain holds the network request history along with MAC address database. Using blockchain holds a number of advantages to the producers:

  • Safety. All of the device information is held within a blockchain. That means it is impossible to alter in any way.
  • Device protection. As every device has a unique and secured MAC address the it unalterable and safely stored there is no need for additional security measures.
  • Decentralized database provides an opportunity for sales and activity analysis. It is extremely easy to understand the lifetime value of a device based on its activity.

4.3.3_Node owner (active mining)

A hardware infrastructural level are the node owners. Node owners are also miners in the Moeco network. They use cheap network stations to enlarge the network coverage while simultaneously receiving a percentage of every connections worth. This is a major part of community – a smart household would benefit greatly from owning a private node and all the while acquiring extra income. A large-scale user (like a skiing resort, city or a factory) would create a network that can serve the whole are around them.

Node owner is a "miner"

As the device producers get the opportunity to create cheap devices, service providers get to create access points using cheap and effective network nodes. Any individual person is able to purchase and install the node in an apartment or even outside. This kind of user is a node owner.

If the node is active and exchanges data with the devices inside the network, a node owner acquires coins. The more nodes owned and traffic provided – the more coins received.

A node can be purchased as a boxed and assembled product, but can be easily obtained and assembled by a person with no special knowledge. Complete whitepaper will hold a diagram of assembling a compliant node unit.  

4.3.4_End user

Last level is the end user. An end user acquires devices and uses them in accordance to manufacturers policies with every node around the world. The end traffic costs are extremely low, it has no roaming charges and has the same format and high battery efficiency anywhere. Users can tackle any concern using the voting mechanics and the committee at their disposal. That creates a true user-owned, decentralized network run by its own customers. 

End user to device producer relationship is not included into the constraints of Moeco network. It can be a separate service or a free-to-use arrangement. Our network creates the opportunity to create cheaper devices and provide active usage within the infrastructure of multiple nodes. Device producers and node owners operate within the boundaries of cryptocurrency transactions while the end user does not.

This end-user has a cat with a traction device

A typical user can use any node within range, all of which are owned by the individual users or as well. As a node owner, a user is free to set his tariff on services and internet access for anybody using his node. All of the in-system transactions use crypto-tokens and generally work in two ways:

  • Users with an access point purchase traffic quotas from the major token stakeholders
  • Users, taking advantage of connection points pay to the providing users for the amount of traffic used.

All of this controlled by blockchain – the most secure way of tracking contractual obligations online.

5_Case studies

5.1_Smart home

A node can be installed inside a house to connect all and any smart devices belonging to a household.

A user wakes up in his home, a connected coffeemaker is already on and letting a computer inside the fridge know the it's time to order another pack of coffee. After the coffee is done, a car connects and checks the weather – it's quite cold today, so it starts up 5 minutes early to be ready to go exactly on time. An alarm clock repeats the alarm enough to make sure the kids are up by checking in with a security system. Water heater uses no excessive electricity and gets enough water for everyone, adjusting on how many people are actually home that day. After everyone is done with preparations it's time to go to work and school while the node keeps mining coins throughout it's range.

5.2_Safety and Security

Node owner is a skiing resort. It distributes small connected tag devices from the producer among its clients. Tag devices provide real time location on each user and are extremely effective in locating people in case of emergency and might be even capable to provide a two-way communication channel while functioning on a small power source for a number of days.

The first resort to install the network will have a high chance of covering its own costs by providing the connectivity features to neighboring resorts due to a long communication range.

5.3_Smart city

"Smart city" as our designer sees it

Providing an amount of nodes enough to cover a city creates a fully connected infrastructure as placing chips into computers controlling everyday life of a city is a cheap and easy task. Street lights working directly when required, transport synchronized with stops and timetables around the city, enhanced support in an emergency.

5.4_Traffic control

Due to the large coverage area, our infrastructure is perfect for traffic control between cities, public transportation and optimization along with jam and critical bottleneck prediction. 

5.5_Keeping your loved ones safe

A simple feedback device can tell you if you're grandma is in trouble or make sure your kid is safe home. And you will never have to worry about them if they are late home ever again.

A connected device can automatically send a distress signal based on some pre-installed trigger sending in emergency services or letting you know people close to you need your help.



ICO starts with a major MOE token emission supplying 10,000,000,000 tokens. Token price at launch is 0.00692 ETH per 1000 tokens. There is no additional emission to this point.

70% is sold through the ICO (5% preICO), leftover 30% is a pool reserved for the founding team. Founders vesting is 3 years with a 6-month cliff.  

ICO funds allocation:

  • 55% Development
  • 23% Marketing
  • 15% Operations 
  • 7% Legal

The token circulation and value on the market is controlled organically through the growth of devices involved along with the community. Below is the plan for the token usage and growth until 2020. 

Tokens are directly used by three system layers (or user roles): producers, committee and miners (node owners):

  • Producers use tokens to pay for the connections their device use.
  • The committee receives tokens from producers excluding the miner commission. Committee's purpose is to replenish the tokens within the network.
  • Miners expand the network with nodes and provide connectivity services. They receive 20% of sum total of tokens used through their node. 


During their lifetime tokens increase in value. It happens trough following reasons:

  • Network enlargement gives a single token more value. As tokens are limited in number – the more producers use them, the more valuable they are.
  • A token's value is based on the number of connections it can provide. According to Cisco forecast estimates market capacity at 933 million connections. So every connection is worth 1 token. However, by 2020 Cisco estimates the number of LPWA connections doubling to 1,7 billion, which makes every token worth 2 connections. 
  • At the initial launch the network is estimated to have 18 000. LPWA networks do not depend as much on traffic volume as on a number of device-to-server calls. Depending on an application the actual traffic volume varies.  
Approximate traffic volume

Moeco scales on-demand: the more traffic and connections required - the more nodes can be put to use. Expanding the number of compatible devices twice will increase connections 4 times. It will also affect traffic numbers. The more nodes are surrounding a single device – the more data it can send.

Overall, Moeco is self-balancing: token value increases with the increase of how much information can be transferred using one token.


We’re announcing that our pre-fundraiser will be handled by an escrow. As of now we can confirm we will be taking deposits in BTC, ETH, CHF, EUR, USD, GBP, DKK and SGD. Through this we can guarantee participation for anyone except US citizens allowing you to take possession of tokens as you wish. We will release Terms and Conditions as soon as the escrow party is confirmed.

A legal entity behind the Moeco platform will be registered in Singapore. The Monetary Authority of Singapore have yet to establish a complete framework of laws regarding cryptocurrencies. However, MAS had made a statement that:

“the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has decided that we will create a “regulatory sandbox” for financial institutions and Fintech companies that creates a safe and conducive space for innovation, within which the consequences of failure can be contained.”

That gives us certainty that we will operate within legal boundaries and yet have freedom to innovate and pursue our goals as we see fit. We are establishing a continuous legal cooperation with the local authorities and will certainly follow the guidelines laid out.

All claims arising out of the token offering or relating to Moeco will be litigated exclusively in the courts of the Singapore and we and you consent to personal jurisdiction in those courts.


Moeco is an all-in-one solution to IoT connectivity problems. Tackling the multi-standard issue while taking on costs of connection and deployability it is a technology to create a 100% coverage with high power efficiency and an access point to any kind of IoT-enabled device. A self-regulatory nature of the system strikes a perfect balance between market opportunity and market creation. 

It has numerous applications for individuals and companies. Simultaneously, it provides an opportunity and infrastructure for producers, providers and end users. All while remaining decentralized, secure and extremely accessible.


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